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SAMPLE 1.1: The New Testament in Englysshe and Latyn (1538), fol. 261r. [STC 2815.] |
- Parallel texts
- Latin abbreviations
- Milestone
- Foliation
SAMPLE 1.2: The Grete Herball (1529). [STC 13177.] |
- complex <DIV>s
SAMPLE 1.3: George Puttenham, The Arte of English Poesie (1589), p. 148. [STC 20519.] |
- <Q>uotations containing verse <L>ines.
- <HI>
- <NOTE PLACE="marg">
- <HEAD> not quite an <ARGUMENT>
SAMPLE 1.4: Edmund Coote, The Englishe Scholemaister (1596), p. 202. [STC 5711.] |
- Interlinear word-for-word gloss in contrasting typeface
- <Q>uotations.
- <NOTE PLACE="marg">
SAMPLE 1.5: Edmund Coote, The Englishe Scholemaister (1596), p. 209. [STC 5711.] |
- Glossary treated as <LIST>
SAMPLE 1.6: Jeremiah Wharton, The English Grammar (1654), pp. 53-54. |
- Complex braces rendered as <LIST>s and <TABLE>s
- (Some rearrangement of original necessary.)
- <NOTE PLACE="marg">
SAMPLE 1.7: Philip Sidney, The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia (1590), fol. 56v-57r. |
- Astronomical symbols
- <HI>
SAMPLE 1.8: Philip Sidney, The Countesse of Pembroke's Arcadia (1590), fol. 243r |
- Difficult poem with each line shared between two voices
SAMPLE 1.9: The New Testament ["Geneva" version] (1607), p. [2]. |
- <LIST> of paired items
- Braces
SAMPLE 1.10: A. Cope, The historie of Anniball and Scipio (1544). [STC 5718.] |
SAMPLE 1.11: Xenophon's Treatise of Householde (1537), p. 11. [STC 26071.] |
- macrons, question marks
- <P>s
SAMPLE 1.12: Philip Sidney, The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (1674), p. 485. |
- <HI> when predominant typeface is italic.
- <FRONT> matter of <TEXT> in a <GROUP>
SAMPLE 1.13: Abraham Fraunce, The Arcadian Rhetorike (1588). [STC 11338.] |
- <Q>s containing <BIBL>s
- <Q>s in prose and verse
SAMPLE 1.14: Psalterium Dauidicum ad usum ecclesie Sarisburiensis (1555) [STC 16265.] |
SAMPLE 2.1: Sermons of M. John Caluin on the Epistles of S. Paule ... (1579), p. 659. |
- <ARGUMENT> used for scriptural passage at head of sermon
SAMPLE 2.2: J. Gwynneth, A Declaration of the State Wherein all Heretikes doe Leade their Lives (1554). [STC 12558.] |
- <SP>eech and <SPEAKER> in nondramatic work.
SAMPLE 2.3: Philip Sidney, 'The Defence of Poesie,' in The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (1674), p. 540. |
SAMPLE 2.4: R. Whittinton, Vulgaria (1521). [STC 25572.] |
- Line-by-line interlinear glossing
- Foliation
SAMPLE 2.5: The Phoenix Nest (1593), p. 28 |
- <LG>s with <HEAD>s
- <BYLINE> at head of <DIV>
SAMPLE 2.6: The Prouerbes of Lope de Mendoza (1579) [STC 16809.] |
- <HI> in textura context
- Verse & prose <DIV>s
SAMPLE 2.7: W. Bonde, The Pilgrimage of Perfection (1526). [STC 3277.] |
- Multiple <HEAD>s
(assigned to different <DIV>s)- (one treated as <ARGUMENT>)
SAMPLE 2.8: W. Musculus, Le temporysour (1550). [STC 18311.] |
SAMPLE 2.9: Liturgia Sacra (1551). [STC 16566.] |
SAMPLE 2.10: Richard Baxter, The Saints' Everlasting Rest 4th ed. (1653), p. 234. |
- Marginal note treated as <ARGUMENT>
- Complex <NOTE>s spilling from margin to foot of page
SAMPLE 2.11: The Pilgrimage to Paradise p. 14. |
- Prose interspersed with verse
- <NOTE PLACE="marg">
- <HI> in predominantly textura context
- Handwritten addition
- Two-line <HEAD>
SAMPLE 2.12: W. Musculus, Commonplaces of Christian Religion (1563). [STC 18308.] |
- Superscripts
- Quoted verse
- Foliation
- <NOTE PLACE="marg">
SAMPLE 3.1a: S. Gardiner, De vera obedientia (1553) [STC 11587]. |
- <LIST>
- Use of "+" in broken words
SAMPLE 3.1b: S. Gardiner, De vera obedientia (1553) [STC 11587]. |
- virgules
- a preface (in <FRONT>)
- Use of "+" in broken words
SAMPLE 3.2: A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man (1547) [STC 5168]. |
- Table of contents as <LIST>
- Roman type as <HI> in textura context
SAMPLE 3.3: Meredith Hanmer (tr.), The Ancient Ecclesiasticall Histories of the First Six Hundred Years after Christ ... (1650), p. 215. |
SAMPLE 3.4: The New Testament ["Geneva" version] (1607), p. [109]. |
- Three separate sets of marginal notes
- Biblical verses treated as numbered <P>s
SAMPLE 3.5: Thomas Elyot, The Boke named the Gouernour (1531), fol. [238r]. |
- Marginal notes
- Quoted poetry (block quotation)
SAMPLE 3.6: Arthur Golding, tr., The Sermons of M. Iohn Calvin vpon ... Deuteronomie (1583), p. 159. |
- MILESTONEs in the margin
- Passage commented on (optionally) treated as EPIGRAPH
- Biblical verses treated as numbered paragraphs (<P>s)
SAMPLE 3.7: T. Wilcox A Short yet Sound Commentarie [on Proverbs] (1589), p. 5. |
- Biblical verse numbers in commentary treated merely as HI
- Commentary text treated as a DIV rather than as an EPIGRAPH (because it is not simply quotation but quotation, paraphrase, and commentary mixed together)
SAMPLE 3.8: A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christen Men (1543) [STC 5168]. |
- Preface resembling a letter given OPENER like a letter
SAMPLE 3.9: The Holy Bible ["Authorized" version] (1611). |
- Elaborate calendrical table
- Braces (requiring interpretation)
- Two confusing footnotes (requiring interpretation).