Sample 1.2

SGML-encoded transcription

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<DIV2 TYPE="chapter">
<PB REF="1">&para;For lechery.
<P>&para;Agaynst bre~nynge of lechery bruse this herbe and lay it to the coddes and it wyll quenche the heet.</P></DIV3></DIV2>
<DIV2 TYPE="chapter">
<HEAD>&para;De eufragia eufrace. Ca.C.lxviii.</HEAD>
<P>EUfragia is an herbe the some cal lu+minelle. It hath fyue vertues. The fyrst for the reednese and dymnesse of the eyen / and for these thynges it must be ga|dred of hym that is dyseased and than put to drye / and the reednesse and payne wyll go away.</P></DIV3>
<HEAD>&para;For the syght.
<P>&para;The seconde yf the rote &amp; leues be steped or soked in wyne and the pacyent drynke the wyne / it wyll clere the syght.</P></DIV3>
<HEAD>&para;For the stone.
<P>&para;The thyrde it wyll breke the stone yf y^e rotes and the iuce be medled with an her|be called Gramen yf it be dronken.</P></DIV3>
<HEAD>&para;For cardyake passyon
<P>&para;The fourthe yf eufragye and buglosse be egally medled in oyle olyue it helpeth the cardyake passyon.</P></DIV3>
<P>&para; The .v. Take water of eufragye stylled and put therto the thyrde parte of vygne water / soo that there be an vnce of bothe and a dragme of thutie of alexandry well quenched / and of these togider a droppe put in too the eyes helpeth the syght.</P></DIV3>
<HEAD>&para;Agaynst the fallynge euyll.
<P>&para;And yf in the sayde water composed of the sayde two waters be sode~ w^t a dragme of castoreum. It wolde be a meruaylous thynge agaynst the fallynge euyl and is a specyally proprete. &para;These thynges sayth Arystotle in y^e qua~tyte of vertues of thyng|ges. Mayster Peter of spayne that was a solempnell clerke sayth that yf eufragye be medled with fenell / t$e / veruayne / ce|lydony / bethony / and capilli veneris / and all todyder it helpeth meruaylously to pre|serue and conforte the syght / and wasteth the reednesse and payne of the eyen.</P></DIV3></DIV2>
<TRAILER>&para;This endeth the names of herbes begynnynge in .E.</TRAILER></DIV1>
<HEAD>&para;And begynneth the na|mes of herbes that do begyn with .F.</HEAD>
<HEAD>&para;De flamula. Sperworde. Ca.C.lxix.</HEAD>
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<!-- This text is transcribed from Isaac, vol. 1, fig. 53 -->