Sample 2.12

SGML-encoded transcription

<IDG S="marc" R="UM" ID="A00000">
<STC T="S">0000</STC>
<BIBNO T="umi">00000000</BIBNO>
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<TEXT LANG="eng">
<DIV1 TYPE="part">
<PB REF="1" N="5">
<P>vnto it by occasio~, as y^t they be shaped in certain figures, fashioned &amp; deuided into me~bres, and y^t thei are cold or warm, black or white, or grey,
<NOTE PLACE="marg">There be no qualities of body in God.</NOTE> &amp; such like, thei haue no place in god, who is not of body, but a spirit: wher|fore$the, errour of y^e
<HI>Anthropomorphites,</HI> is to be conde~ned, which attribu|teth vnto god a body framed &amp; disposed into me~bres, accordi~g vnto y^e fashio~ of ma~: Yet is it manifest, y^t there be some thi~gs in God, in respect of y^e which it may be knowe~, though not perfectly, yet somdeale of what ma~ner sort he
<NOTE PLACE="marg">In what poin|tes the quali|te of God is.</NOTE> is. As of what ma~ner essence or being, what substa~ce &amp; nature he is of. In very deede, these things of the~selues are vnsearcheable in God, but yet some part there is of the~ necessarie to know, &amp; is expressed in scriptures by y^e spirit of reuelatio~, y^t consideratio~ wherof, as I iudge, pertaineth to this place.</P> </DIV1>
<DIV1 TYPE="part">
<HEAD>Of what manner sort God is in the conside|ration of his Essence.</HEAD>
<P>OF the Esse~ce or being of God, beside y^t it is the fountain &amp; beginning
<NOTE PLACE="marg">What is sayd of the Essence of God.</NOTE> of all thinges y^t be, first it may be said y^t it is only one, hauing none like neither in heauen nether in the earth: &amp; therfore maketh only one God,
<NOTE>Of the vnite of the essence of God.</NOTE> excluding altogether the nu~bre of gods, wherby y^e Gentiles wer deceiued. To this place belongeth y^t which is read in holy scriptures of the vnite of God, as in the .6. of Deuteromie: Heare Isreal, y^e lord thy God is one God.
<NOTE PLACE="marg">
<HI>Deut.</HI> 6.</NOTE> and in the .44. &amp; .45. of Esay: Besides mee, he saith, there is no other God. And in the eyght of the first to the Corinthia~s: We know that there is no
<NOTE PLACE="marg">I.
<HI>Corinth.</HI> 8.</NOTE> ydole in the world, and the there is no other God but one. And in the .4. to the Ephe. One God and father of all, which is ouer all and by all.
<NOTE PLACE="marg">
<HI>Ephesians.</HI> 4.</NOTE> </P>
<P>This vnite of God y^e Philosophers of y^e ge~tiles did acknowledge. Plato doth manifestly defend the Monarchie or sole gouerna~ce of God. Aristotle witnesseth, that one minde and vnderstanding gouerneth the worlde. And Cicero folowing Plato, in many places confesseth one God. Of the poets Vergil spake in this sort of God.
<L>for God doth passe through all the landes,</L>
<L>The waues of sea and through the sandes.</L>
<L>The deapth of heauen both whote and colde,
<NOTE PLACE="marg">
<HI>Geor.</HI> 4.</NOTE> </L>
<L>Fro~m him come beast both yong and olde:</L>
<L>Both wilde and tame, and man also</L>
<L>Hath strength and life, both frende and foe.</L></Q></P>
<P>And Ovide in the first boke of his transformatio~ doth clerely attribute y^e
<NOTE PLACE="marg">The reason of wisemen.</NOTE> workmanship of the whole world to one God alone. Wise men saw y^t the world could nether haue ben made, neither after y^t it was made colde haue been gouerned by many, bicause of y^t vnspeakable and most constant agre|me~t of all thinges (which doth most certainely proue the vnite of the true
<NOTE PLACE="marg">The folishnes of the~ which maketh ma|ny goddes.</NOTE> God) and y^t could not be w^tout dau~ger, if many gods had the gouernance therof: So y^t the strife and battels of the gods of the gentiles are not w^tout purpose set forth by Homere. Wherefore it is a mockery to talk w^t them, which bicause, of the hughnes of thinges created, supposeth this world ca~ not be gouerned of one, as though one were not able to susteine so great a waight of thinges, but that it neded many.</P>
<P N="1">1 First they faile in this, that they considre y^e hughnes of the workma~ship
<NOTE PLACE="marg">The creatour is greater tha~ the worke which hee created.</NOTE> either alone either more than they do the maiesty &amp; power of the worker, so y^t they think the work passeth the strength of the worker: as though the maker were not greater &amp; more puissa~t than y^e work which he hath made.</P>
<P N="2">2 Againe they be fond in this point, y^t they suppose y^e world may be bet|ter gouerned of many gods tha~ of one, like as it is in me~s cases, y^t two are</P> </DIV1> </BODY> </TEXT> </EEBO>