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<DIV1 TYPE="preface">
<PB REF="1">
<HEAD>The Preface of the tra~slatour to y^e gentil reader.</HEAD>
<P>I haue heretofore / w^t no small admiracion / readde a certaine Sermon / made in Englshe / before our late soueraigne lorde Kinge Henry theight / about xiiij. years past by doctour Tonstall than bishop of Dures+me
<NOTE PLACE="marg">To~stall</NOTE> /
<ABBR>and</ABBR> set furthe in Printe / bylike for his ow+ne glorie or rather purgacion / being suspected (and not without cause) to be a favourer of y^e pretensed autoritie and antichristian power of the Bishop of Rome (wherof he is bent at this daye with other his complices to shewe him sel+fe / that Sermon notw^tstonding / not only to be a frendely favourer / but an open diligent proc+tour) and a certaine oracion also writte~ in Lati+ne by doctour Sainson than bishop of Chiches+tre
<NOTE PLACE="marg">Sa~son.</NOTE> / and now the doublefaced epicureous bite|shepe of Couentrye and Lichefelde aswell for y^e profe and assercion of the Ki~ges supremacie by the vndoubted truthe of Goddes vnfaili~g wor+de / as of the iuste abrogacion of the said bishop of Romes feyned power out of Englonde. By which Sermon and oracion / I bei~ge indif+ferently instructed in the truthe for those day| ...</P>
<P> ... </P></DIV1></BODY></TEXT></EEBO>