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<TEXT LANG="eng">
<DIV1 N="87" TYPE="proverb">
<DIV2 TYPE="paraphrase">
<PB REF="1"> ... that silence is farre to bee preferred before speech: but specially a man ought to keepe his owne secrets. For as <HI>Seneca</HI> saith, <HI>If thou art not able to keepe thyne owne secrets, how canst thou require an other man to doe it?</HI> And therefore the Prouerb saith, <HI>Thou shalt be counted discrete and wise, if thou kepest thy secrets to thy self, and that a man bringeth him selfe in subiection by speech, but shall neuer bee harmed by silence.</HI></P></DIV2></DIV1>
<DIV1 TYPE="proverb" N="88">
<DIV2 TYPE="poem">
<L>But yet I would not haue thee heere,</L>
<L>to be so straightly tyed:</L>
<L>That from thy deere & speciall friend</L>
<L>thou shouldst thy doings hide.</L>
<L>For why? it were to great offence,</L>
<L>t'abuse his friendship so:</L>
<L>And euen the redyest way it were,</L>
<L>to make thy friend thy foe.</L>
<DIV2 TYPE="paraphrase">
<HEAD>The Paraphrase.</HEAD>
<P><HI>SEneca</HI> in his third epistle setteth downe, the way and meane how to get freends, and being gotten, how to kepe them, saying</P>