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<DIV1 TYPE="book" N="3">
<DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="15">
<P> ...
<PB REF="1" N="148"> For [
<HI>your lowring lookes.</HI>] And as one of our ordinary rimers said.
<L>Of fortune nor her frowning face,</L>
<L>I am nothing agast.</L>
<P>In stead, of [
<HI>fortunes frowning face.</HI>] One praysing the Neapo|litans for good men at armes, said by the figure of Twynnes thus.
<L>A proud people and wise and valiant,</L>
<L>Fiercely fighting with horses and with barbes:</L>
<L>By whose provves the Romain Prince did daunt,</L>
<L>Wild Affricanes and the lavvlesse Alarbes:</L>
<L>The Nubiens marching vvith their armed cartes,</L>
<L>And sleaing a farre vvith venim and vvith dartes.</L>
<P>Where ye see this figure of Twynnes twise vsed, once when he said
<HI>horses and barbes</HI> for barbed horses: againe when he saith with
<HI>venim</HI> and with
<HI>dartes</HI> for venimous dartes.</P></DIV2>
<DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="16">
<HEAD>CHAP. XVI. Of the figures which we call Sensable, because they alter and affect the minde by alteration of sence, and first in single wordes.</HEAD>
<P>THe eare hauing receiued his due satisfaction by the
<HI>auriculuar</HI> figures, now must the minde also be serued, with his naturall delight by figures
<HI>sensible</HI> such as by alteration of intendmentes affect the courage, and geue a good liking to the conceit. And first, single words haue their sence and vnderstanding altered and figured many wayes, to wit, by transport, abuse crosse-naming, new naming, change of name. This will seeme very darke to you, vnlesse it be otherwise explaned more particularly: and first of
<NOTE PLACE="marg">
<HI>Metaphora,</HI> or the Figure of tran|sporte.</NOTE> There is a kinde of wresting of a single word from his owne right signification, to another not so naturall, but yet of some affinitie or conueniencie with it, as to say,
<HI>I cannot digest your vnkinde words,</HI> for I cannot take them in good part: or as the man of law said,
<HI>I feele you not,</HI> for I vnderstand not your case, because he had not his fee in his hand. Or as another said to a mouthy Aduo|cate,
<HI>why barkest thou at me so sore?</HI> Or to call the top of a tree, or of a hill, the crowne of a tree or of a hill: for in deede
<HI>crowne</HI> is the highest ornament of a Princes head, made like a close garland, or els the top of a mans head, where the haire windes about, and be|cause such terme is not applyed naturally to a tree, or to a hill, but
<PB REF="2" N="149"></P></DIV2></DIV1></BODY></TEXT></EEBO>
<!-- From Puttenham, Arte of English Poesie (1589), p. 149 -->