Sample 3.5

SGML-encoded transcription

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<DIV1 TYPE="book" N="3">
<P> ...
<PB REF="1" N="238">bute / whan oportunitie hapneth. And for the excellencie of this thynge: some noted to be in mannes soule a diuine substaunce. As Pythagoras or some of his scholers writynge his sentence / sayeth in this wyse spekynge to man.
<L>Nowe in thy selfe haue thou good confidence</L>
<L>Sens mortall men be of the kynde diuine</L>
<L>In whose nature a reuerent excellence</L>
<L>Appereth clere / whiche all thinge dothe define.</L></Q> whiche sentence of Pythagoras is nat re|iecte eyther of Plato whyche approched nexte vnto the catholike writars / or of di|uines whiche interprete holy scripture: ta|kynge the soule so: the ymage and simily|tude of god.</P>
<NOTE>Plato. in Tim.</NOTE>
More ouer Plato (in his boke called Timeus) affirmeth / that there is sette in the soule of man commyng into the worlde certayne spices / or as it were sedes of thyn|ges and rules of Artes or sciences.
<NOTE>Plato in Thease.</NOTE>
wher|fore Socrates (in the boke of Science) re|sembleth hym selfe to a mydwyfe / sayenge that in teachinge yonge men he dyd put in to theim no science / but rather brought furthe that which all redy was in them | like as the mydwife brought nat in the childe / ... </P></DIV1></BODY></TEXT></EEBO>