Sample 1.7

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<DIV1 TYPE="book" N="1">
<DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="12">
<P> ...
<PB REF="1"> of loue and vnkindnes, but that it yeelded to some mirth at this commaundement of
<HI>Musidorus,</HI> that he should loue: so that something cleering his face from his former shewes of griefe; Wel (saidhe) deare cousin, I see by the well choosing of your commandementes, that you are fitter to be a Prince, then a Counseller: and therfore I am resolued to imploy all my endeuour to o|bey you; with this condition, that the comandementes ye commaund me to lay vpon you, shall onely be, that you continue to loue me, and looke vpon my imperfe|ctions, with more affection then iudgeme~t. Loue you? (said he) alas, how can my hart be seperated from the true imbrasing of it, without it burst, by being too full of it? But (said he) let vs leaue of these flowers of newe begun frendship: and now I pray you againe tel me; but tell it me fully, omitting no circumstance, the storie of your affections, both beginning, and proceeding: assu|ring your selfe, that there is nothing so great, which I will feare to doo for you: nor nothing so small which I will disdaine to doo for you. Let me therfore receiue a cleere vndersta~ding, which many times we misse, while those things we account small, as a speech, or a look are omitted, like as a whole sentence may faile of his con|gruitie, by wanting one particle. Therefore betweene frends, all must be layd open, nothing being superflu|ous, nor tedious. You shalbe obeyed (said
<HI>Pyrocles</HI>) and here are we in as fitte a place for it as may be; for this ar|bor no body offe$ to come into but my selfe; I vsing it as my melancholy retiring place, and therefore that respect is born vnto it; yet if by cha~ce any should come, say that you are a seruant sent from the Q. of the
<HI>Ama|zons</HI> to seeke me, and then let me alone for the rest. So sate they downe, and
<HI>Pyrocles</HI> thus said.</P></DIV2>
<DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="13">
<PB REF="2" N="57">
<HI>Pyrocles</HI> fell in loue with
<HI>Philoclea.</HI> ^2His counsell and course therein. ^3His disguising into
<HI>Zelmane.</HI> ^4Her meeting with
<HI>Damaetas,</HI> ^5
<HI>Basilius,</HI> ^6the Queene and her daughters, &amp; their speaches. ^7Her abode there ouer entreated; ^8and the place thereof described.</P></ARGUMENT>
<MILESTONE N="1">COusin (saide hee) then began the fatall ouerthrowe of all my li|bertie, when walking among the pictures in
<HI>Kalanders</HI> house, you
<NOTE PLACE="marg">27.&Venus;.&Aries;.15</NOTE> your selfe deliuered vnto mee what you had vnderstood of
<HI>Phi|loclea,</HI> who muche resembling (though I must say much surpas|sing) the Ladie
<HI>Zelmane,</HI> whom too well I loued: there were mine eyes infected, &amp; at your mouth did I drinke my poison. Yet alas so sweete was it vnto me, that I could not be contented, til
<HI>Kalander</HI> had made it more and more strong with his declaratio~. Which the more I questioned, the more pittie I conceaued of her vn|worthie fortune: and when with pittie once my harte was made tender, according to the aptnesse of the hu|mour, it receaued quickly a cruell impression of that wonderful passio~ which to be definde is impossible, be|cause no wordes reach to the strange nature of it: they onely know it, which inwardly feele it, it is called loue. Yet did I not (poore wretch) at first know my disease, thinking i onely such a woonted kind of desire, to see rare sights; &amp; my pitie to be no other, but the fruits of a
<PB REF="3"> ...</P></DIV2</DIV1></BODY></TEXT></EEBO>