Sample 1.13

SGML-encoded transcription

<IDG S="marc" R="UM" ID="A00000">
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<BIBNO T="umi">00000000</BIBNO>
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<DIV1 TYPE="book" N="1">
<DIV2 TYPE="chapter" N="36">
<PB REF="1">
<HEAD>Cap. 36. Of graunting.</HEAD>
<P>Graunting is when we iestinglie admit of anie speach or argument.</P>
<L>Italiam petijt fatis authoribus: esto.</L></Q>
<BIBL>Aen 7.</BIBL>
<L>Flectere si nequeo superos, Acheront a mouebo.</L>
<L>Non dabitur regnis (esto) proheibere Latinis:</L>
<L>At trahere, atque moras tantis licet addere rebus.</L> </Q>
<BIBL>Sir Philip Sydney .5. Philanax.</BIBL>
<P>But yet euen of fauour, let vs grant him thus much more, as to fancie, that in these foretold things, fortune might bee a great actor, perchance to an euill ende, yet to a lesse euill ende, all these intangled deuises were intended. But I beseech your Ladi|ship, my Lady
<HI>Timopirus,</HI> tell me what ex|cuse can you finde for the chaunging of your lodging with the Dutchesse, that ve|rie instant she was to finish her execrable practise? how can you cloake the lending of your cloake vnto her? was all that by chaunce too?</P></Q>
<BIBL>Torquat. Tass. 2. Aletes.</BIBL>
<L>Hor quando pure estimi esser fatale,</L>
<L>Che non ti possa il ferro vincer mai:</L>
<L>Siati concess&ograve;, &egrave; siasi &agrave; punto tale,</L> </Q></DIV2></DIV1></BODY></TEXT></EEBO>