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<TEXT LANG="eng">
<DIV1 TYPE="chapter" N="4">
<DIV2 TYPE="paraphrase">
<P N="33"> ... Psalm 4.8]
<HI>and be quiet from feare of euill</HI> [i. not only, no euill it selfe, but no suspition or feare of it shall go to his heart, he shall bee so strengthened through Gods promises, and defended by his almightie power.</P>
<DIV2 TYPE="doctrine">
<NOTE PLACE="marg">Do.</NOTE>
<HI>Vers. 1.</HI> Teacheth vs, that it is a great blessing, when God giueth to an countrie or common wealth, wise and godlie Princes.
<HI>Vers. 2.</HI> Teacheth vs, that Gods word is, and ought to bee the ground of all our knowledge.
<HI>Vers. 3.</HI> Teacheth vs, that it ought to bee the rule of all our actions, either publique or priuate.
<HI>Vers. 4.</HI> Proueth, that the knowledge of Gods worde belongeth euen to the simple, contrarie to the Popish assertion, which would haue none meddle with it, but great schollers and learned men.
<HI>Vers. 5.6.</HI> Shewe, that euen the wisest also may out of the same learne, for in|crease of iudgement and knowledge: so that wee may righly say, that, the word are waters, wherein the great Elephan may swimme, and the little Lambe wade and goe.
<HI>Vers. 7.</HI> Teacheth vs, that wee can neuer come to sound knowledge of God and his truth, vnlesse there bee a right reuerence of his Maiestie in our hearts.
<HI>Vers. 8.</HI> Teacheth vs, first that it is parents dueties, to instruct those, whom God hath giuen them. Secondly, that chil|dren should reuerently hearken vnto the wholesome counsell of their friends and parents.
<HI>Vers. 9.</HI> Teacheth vs, that it is a notable grace to bee bowable to the good wordes of exhortation.
<HI>Vers. 10.</HI> Teacheth vs, at no hand to consent, to wicked perswasions and inticements.
<HI>Vers. 11, 12, 13, 14.</HI> Teach vs, that the wicked will leaue no stone vnrolled, to the end they may drawe some to commit wickednesse with them, sometimes setting before them pleasure, sometimes profite, and sometimes one thing, and some|times another.
<HI>Vers. 15.</HI> Teacheth vs two things: first to auoyd the com|panie of the wicked: secondly, not to bee like vnto them in outward con|uersation.
<HI>Vers. 16.</HI> Sheweth, how egar and sharpe set, the wicked are vpon mischiefe.
<HI>Vers. 17.</HI> Teacheth vs, that the wicked are not so sure of the ac|co~plishment of their practises, as they suppose.
<HI>Vers. 18.</HI> Teacheth vs, that through Gods iust iudgements, the vngodly are many times taken in the mischieuous imaginations of their owne hearts.
<HI>Vers. 19</HI> Teacheth vs, that there is no wicked man, of what estate or condition so euer he be, which continueth in his sinne, that shall escape vnpunished.
<HI>Vers. 20, 21, 22.</HI> Tea|cheth vs, that the heauenlie wisedome useth all meanes and opportunities, to bring men vnto it, which are stragling from it.
<HI>Vers. 22.</HI> Sheweth, that the wicked preferre vanitie and sinne, before all goodnesse whatsoeuer.
<HI>Vers. 23</HI> Teacheth vs, that those which vnfeignedlie turne to the Lord, shall not only escape iudgements in this life, and in the life to come, but shall bee throughlie instructed in all the waies of God.
<HI>Vers. 24, 25.</HI> Teacheth vs, that there can be no greater sinne sommitted against God, than rebellion, and the contempt of his maiestie.
<HI>Vers. 26.</HI> Teacheth, that the Lord wil haue no care of them, that haue no care of him.
<HI>Vers. 27.</HI> Sheweth, that ... </P></DIV2>