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<TEXT LANG="eng">
<DIV1 TYPE="chapter" N="19">
<P> ...
<PB REF="1" MS="y"> also the same trewth, which an heretike doth denie, howe can this be avoided, but that all other men bee heretikes lykewise, euen as well as he?</P></SP>
<P>And doest thou beleue that to be trewe?</P></SP>
<P>Nay syr, nor no man els I thinke.</P></SP>
<P>Howe then?</P></SP>
<P>Marie this, by the manifeste falsitee of this conclusion, I doe perceiue the falsitee of the posicion, wherof it foloweth.</P></SP>
<P>Whiche is that?</P></SP>
<P>Euen this that ye sey, trewthe is no more, no lesse, nor none other, in eue|ry singular thynge by it selfe, then it is in theim all, euen hole to gether: whiche (as ye maie nowe see) can not be trewe:</P></SP>
<P>Arte thou at that poynte ageyn nowe?</P></SP>
<P>who can be otherwise, when it dooeth here so plainly appere?</P></SP>
<DIV1 TYPE="chapter" N="20">
<HEAD>Cap. 20.</HEAD>
<P>How so euer thou makest it appere to thy selfe, yet it appereth not so, to any man els, that foloweth reason: for did not I tell the before, that trewth, whiche is but one, and not diuerse, doothe yet diuersely behahaue it selfe in diuerse thynges? As I declared vnto the, so farre as the case did then require?</P></SP>
<P>What of that?</P></SP>
<P>I shall tell the what: because I see the herein, so curious and insaciable, that thou le|uest nothynge vnsought (so farre as thy wit will serue the) which maie seme to make for thy purpos, thou shalte yet vnderstande this muche farder, that all maner
<UNCLEAR>of</UNCLEAR> thynges (Wherein the trewthe is (as aforesaide) maie be deuided, in to these three sundrie sortes, that is to wit, one contingent and casuall: an othere more certayne and naturall: And the thirde diuine and spirituall. And ther|fore in these three sortes, the trewthe behaueth it selfe so diuersely, that in thynges contingent and casuall, it maie
<PB REF="2">
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