Citing the TCP

We can supply only the most general guide to citing individual TCP texts, since local requirements differ considerably. Since the TCP texts are all based on printed books,  the appropriate guidelines to use are those that address facsimiles, reproductions, or online editions of books that first appeared in print form. Citation of the the TCP corpora as corpora (i.e., as databases or sets or subsets of texts and metadata) are another matter altogether, and beyond the scope of this page, except to note (a given for any kind of corpus-based research) that any citation should include reference to the contents and/or date of access, since the TCP corpora, both those released as bulk downloads and those hosted online, change over time as new texts are added and old ones are revised.

MLA Style specifies a set of elements that should appear in a set order in a “works cited” entry; the TCP site from at which you accessed the text probably represents a “container,” as MLA defines it, which belongs after bibliographic information about the item itself (in this case, probably the information about the original print edition).  The “container” (online source) should ideally be concluded with a citation of the date of access and the URL. For example:

Jewell, William.  The Golden Cabinet of True Treasure. London: John Crosley, 1612. Early English Books Online Text Creation Partnership, 2011,, accessed 14 January 2019.

The Chicago Manual of Style, 17th Edition, discusses printed books published online (“Freely available electronic editions of older works”) in section 14.162 ( They suggest that such sources should be cited in notes as follows, with a stress on preserving the vital publication information and page references of the original book:

William Jewell,  The Golden Cabinet of True Treasure (London: John Crosley, 1612; Ann Arbor: Text Creation Partnership, 2011), chap. 8, p. 167,

A bibliography entry would differ only slightly:

Jewell, William.  The Golden Cabinet of True Treasure. London: John Crosley, 1612; Ann Arbor: Text Creation Partnership, 2011.

The URLs cited above are taken from the version of the EEBO-TCP texts hosted by the University of Michigan Library. If you accessed the text through some other interface (e.g., ProQuest’s EEBO), you would cite that URL instead.