This is a list of all the DIV types used in EEBO by the Oxford team to June 2007.
N.B. It contains types used before pfs checked them.
- Back to Wisdom
- DIV types main discussion page
- ECCO DIV types
- 1 Corinthians
- 1 Peter
- 1 Thessalonians
- 1 Timothy
- 1,2,3 John
- 1,2,3, John
- 10 commandments of the devil
- 2 Corinthians
- 2 Peter
- 2 Thessalonians
- 2 Timothy
- 39 articles of the Church of England
- 5 commandments of the Church
- 7 spiritual deeds of mercy
- 7 trumpets
Back to Top
- abjuration
- about the author
- abridged sermons
- abridgement of discipline
- abridgement of doctrine
- abridgement of morality
- absolution
- abstract
- acceptance
- account
- account of battle
- account of battle preparations
- account of journey
- account of prophecies
- account of trial
- accusation
- acknowledgement
- acrositc dedication
- acrostic
- acrostic epigram
- acrostic epithalmium
- acrostic poem
- acrostic prayer
- acrostics
- act
- act of council
- act of devotion
- act of parliament
- act of privy council
- Acts
- acts of devotion
- acts of parliament
- addenda
- addendum
- addendum to chapter 5
- addition
- additional documents
- additional explanation
- additions
- address
- adjunct
- admonition
- admonition to the reader
- advantages
- adversary
- advert
- advert for face powder
- advertisement
- advertisement to reader
- advertisement to the reader
- advertisent
- advertisment
- adverts
- advice
- affirmative aspect
- afterword
- against
- age
- agenda
- agreement
- agreements
- air
- alef
- allegory
- almanac
- almanack
- alternative ending
- alternative translation
- alto
- alto part
- amendments
- anagram
- anagrams
- analysis
- analysis of contents
- analysis of epistle
- analysis of vision
- animadversions
- annals
- annotation
- annotations
- annotator to reader
- anonymous works
- answer
- answer to conclusion
- answer to counterarguments
- answer to dedication
- answer to introduction
- answer to letter
- answer to petition
- answer to preface
- answer to prefacer
- answer to prologue
- answer to queries
- answer to synchronisms
- answer to the preface
- answers
- answers to questions
- anthem
- antilogy
- antimasque
- antiphon
- antithesis
- aphorism
- aphorismes
- aphorisms
- apocrypha
- apology
- apophthegms
- apostle
- apostles and evangelists
- apostles' creed
- apostrophe
- apothecaries' weights and measures
- apothegms
- appeal of John Hus
- appendix
- appendix contents
- appendix errata
- appendix table of scripture citations
- appendix to chapter 2
- appendix to petition
- application
- appointment
- appointment to print
- approbatio
- approbation
- approbation and imprimatur
- approbations
- approval
- appurtenances
- April
- Aquarius
- archbishop's answer
- archbishop's response
- area
- argument
- argument & method
- arguments
- Aries
- army
- arraignment
- article
- articles
- articles against the friars
- articles of agreement
- articles of Christan belief
- articles of faith
- articles of John Hus
- articles of the creed
- aspiration
- aspirations
- aspiring
- assertion
- assertions
- assize
- astrology
- astronomical table
- attestation
- attributed correctly
- attributed falsely
- August
- authentication
- author to book
- author to bookseller
- author to chirurgians
- author to his lady
- author to printer
- author to publisher
- author to reader
- author to son
- author's advertisement
- author's dedication
- author's letter
- author's note
- author's preface
- author's preface to reader
- author's prologue
- authorities
- authors and works cited
- autobiography
- autumn
- ave maria
- axiom
- ayin
Back to Top
- back matter
- background
- background to treatise
- backmatter
- ballad
- ballads
- bar
- basis of argument
- bass
- bass part
- bass part continued
- basses
- bassus
- beasts
- benediction
- benedictus
- Bentley's observations
- bet
- Bible passage
- Biblical prologues
- biblical quotations
- biblical text
- biblical texts
- bibliographic references
- bibliography
- bill of divorce
- bill of exchange
- bill of excommunication
- biographical index
- biographical table
- biographies
- biography
- biography of author
- bishopric
- blah
- blessing
- Blessings
- blossom
- body of answer
- body of appendix
- body of argument
- body of ballad
- body of biography
- body of book
- body of case
- body of chapter
- body of continuation
- body of decree
- body of dialogue
- body of eclogue
- body of edict
- body of epistle
- body of essay
- body of examination
- body of exposition
- body of glossary
- body of index
- body of letter
- body of masque
- body of meditation
- body of message
- body of order
- body of part
- body of poem
- body of postscript
- body of prayer
- body of preamble
- body of preface
- body of prologue
- body of proposition
- body of propositions
- body of psalm
- body of register
- body of section
- body of sermon
- body of song
- body of speech
- body of testament
- body of text
- body of tract
- body of treatise
- body of tropes
- book
- book 1 errata
- book 2 errata
- book to author
- book to reader
- book to readers
- books
- bookseller to buyer
- bookseller to reader
- bookseller's advertisement
- branch
- breve
- bull
- by the same author
- by-law
Back to Top
- cae
- calendar
- Cancer
- canon
- canons
- canons omitted
- canto
- cantos
- cantus
- Capricorn
- Carthage
- case
- catalogue
- catalogue of birds
- catalogue of consuls
- catalogue of fish
- catalogue of fleet
- catalogue of freshwater fish
- catalogue of medicines
- catechism
- Catholic arguments
- Catholic doctrine
- Catholic objections
- Catonis disticha
- cause
- caution
- cautions
- caveat to reader
- celestial model
- censure
- century
- certificate
- certificate of approval
- challenge
- chapter
- chapter from 1 Chronicles
- chapter from 2 Chronicles
- chapter from 2 Kings
- chapter from Daniel
- chapter from Ezekiel
- chapter from Ezra
- chapter from Haggai
- chapter from Isaiah
- chapter from Jeremiah
- chapter from Micah
- chapter from Zechariah
- chapter of 1 Chronicles
- chapter of 1 kings
- chapter of 2 Chronicles
- chapter of 2 Kings
- chapter of Exodus
- chapter of Judges
- chapter of Luke
- chapter of Mark
- chapter of Mathew
- chapter of Numbers
- chapters
- chapters from 1 Chronicles
- chapters from 2 Chronicles
- chapters from 2 Chronicles and 2 Kings
- chapters from 2 Kings and 1 Chronicles
- chapters from 2 Kings and 2 Chonicles
- chapters from 2 Kings and 2 Chronicles
- chapters from 2 Kings and Isaiah
- chapters from 2 Kings and Jeremiah
- chapters from 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and Isaiah
- chapters from 2 Kings, 2 Chronicles, and Jeremiah
- chapters from 2 Kings, Isaiah, and 2 Chronicles
- chapters from 2 Kings, Jeremiah, and 2 Chronicles
- chapters from Daniel
- chapters from Daniel, 2 Kings, and 2 Chronicles
- chapters from Ezekiel
- chapters from Ezra
- chapters from Ezra and Haggai
- chapters from Hosea
- chapters from Isaiah
- chapters from Isaiah, 2 Kings, and 2 Chronicles
- chapters from Jeremiah
- chapters from Jeremiah and 2 Kings
- chapters from Micah
- chapters from Zechariah
- chapters of 1 Kings
- chapters of 2 Chronicles
- character
- characters
- charge
- charity
- charm
- charter
- chastity
- Chemical medicines
- chorus
- christ's teachings
- chronicle
- chronological table of 10th century writers
- chronological table of 11th century writers
- chronological table of 4th century councils
- chronological table of 5th century writers
- chronological table of 6th century writers
- chronological table of 7th and 8th century writers
- chronological table of 9th century writers
- chronological table of contents
- chronological table of events
- chronological table of New Testament writers
- chronological table of Old Testament writers
- chronological table of writers from this volume
- chronology
- chronology of 4th century councils
- chronology of councils
- chronology of writers
- church commandments
- city
- city and county
- clarification
- class
- clause
- close
- closing letter
- coat of arms
- coats of arms
- coherence
- collect
- collection
- collection of records
- collects
- collects and prayers
- college
- cololphon
- colony
- colophon
- Colossians
- colour
- combat
- command
- commandment
- commendation
- comment
- commentary
- commentary on letter
- commission
- Commissioners' paper
- comparison
- complaint
- complement
- Complin
- concise guide to prayer
- concluding prayer
- conclusion
- conclusion to reader
- conclusions
- concords
- condition
- conditions
- conditions of use
- condolences
- conference
- confession
- confession of faith
- confirmation
- confirmation of charters
- conformity
- confutation
- confutation of answer
- confutation of answers
- conjecture
- conjunctions
- consent
- consent and dissent
- consequence
- consequences
- consideration
- consideration of lecture
- considerations
- consolation
- constitutions
- contemplation
- contemplations
- contents
- contents of the discourse
- contents of the preface
- contents of treatise of arithmetic
- context
- continuation
- contract
- contradiction
- controversies
- controversy
- copy of order
- copy of speeches
- copyright notice
- Cordials
- corollaries
- corollary
- correction
- correspondence
- corroboration
- corruption
- cosmography
- council
- council of Basil
- council of Constance
- council of Lateran
- council of Lyon
- council of Trent
- councils of 5th century
- councils of 6th century
- councils of 7th century
- councils of 8th century
- counsel
- Counsils
- counter tenor
- counter-tenor
- countertenor
- country
- county
- county and city
- court of azzises
- court order
- court's legitimacy
- covenant
- covetousness
- credenda
- creed
- Creed of S. Athanasius
- crest
- critical comments
- critique
- cure
Back to Top
- daily meditations
- daily schedule
- dalet
- day
- day time
- days of the week
- deadly sin
- death
- debate
- decade
- December
- deciation
- declaration
- declarations
- decree
- dedication
- dedication to reader
- dedications
- dedicatory letter
- dedicatory poem
- dedicatory poems
- dedicatory sonnet
- dedicatory tetrastich
- deduction
- deed
- defence
- defense
- defense of thesis
- definition
- deleted passage
- delivery instructions
- demand
- demonstration
- deposition
- depositions
- description
- description of characters
- description of contents
- description of court
- description of funeral
- description of Philadelphia
- description of surgical instrument
- desire
- detailed table of contents
- determination
- Deuteronomy
- device
- devotion
- devotional aids
- diagram
- diagram of surgeon's chest
- dialogue
- dictionary
- digression
- direction
- directions
- directions for singing
- directions for use
- directions for using diagrams
- directions to binder
- directions to bookbinder
- directions to the binder
- disciples
- discourse
- discovery
- discussion
- diseases
- disparity
- dispensation
- disposition
- disputation
- dispute
- dissent
- dissertation
- dissuasion
- distance
- distich
- distiches
- distinction
- diverse readings
- division
- docket title
- doctrine
- doctrines
- document
- documents
- dramatis personae
- dramatis personnae
- dream
- Duke of Venice
- dumb show
- duodecimo
- Dutch privilege
- dynasty
Back to Top
- ecclesiastical laws
- eclogue
- edict
- edition
- editions of books cited
- editor to reader
- editor to the reader
- editor's dedication
- effect
- eighth interrogation
- ejaculation
- election
- elections
- elegies
- elegies and epitaphs
- elegy
- emblem
- emendanda
- emperor
- enclosed instructions
- enclosed letter
- enclosed order
- enclosed paper
- enclosure
- encomia
- encomium
- encounter
- endnotes
- endorsement
- endorsements
- engagement
- English
- English dialogue
- English original of verse treatise
- english poem
- English version
- enquiry
- entertainment
- entreaty
- entry
- envoi
- envoy
- envy
- Ephesians
- epicedium
- epicidium
- epigram
- epigrams
- epigrams and epitaphs
- epigraph
- epigraphs
- epilogue
- epilogue to the house
- epilogue to the king
- epilogve
- epistle
- epistles
- epistles of St John
- epitaph
- epitaph in English
- epitaphs
- epithalamium
- epithalmiums
- epitome
- epode
- epodes
- errata
- errata for Faith
- errata for Regeneration
- errata for the Preface
- errata in body of text
- errata in preface
- errata in the discourse
- errata in the preface
- errata of proper names
- erratum
- error
- errrata
- erudition
- essay
- essay on death
- essay on faith
- essay on fear
- essay on honor
- essay on knowledge
- essay on learning
- essay on love
- essay on patience
- essay on peace
- essay on practise
- essay on resolution
- essay on time
- essay on truth
- essay on valor
- essay on war
- essay on wisdom
- essays
- eulogy
- evangelist
- evasion
- evening
- evening prayer
- evening prayers
- evidence
- evil days
- examination
- examinations
- example
- example of typefaces
- examples
- excellency
- exception
- exceptions
- excerpt
- excerpt from act
- excerpt from play
- excerpts
- excuse
- execution
- exercise
- exercises
- exercitation
- exhortation
- Exodus
- expenses
- experiment
- experiments
- explanation
- explanation of almanac
- explanation of fable
- explanation of figure
- explanation of figures
- explanation of first table
- explanation of frontispiece
- explanation of illustrations
- explanation of map
- explanation of musical notation
- explanation of musical scale
- explanation of plates
- explanation of poem
- explanation of psalm
- explanation of second table
- explanation of symbols
- explanation of table 13
- explanation of table eight
- explanation of table eleven
- explanation of table fifteen
- explanation of table five
- explanation of table four
- explanation of table fourteen
- explanation of table nine
- explanation of table seven
- explanation of table six
- explanation of table ten
- explanation of table twelve
- explanation of terms
- explanation of third table
- explanation of title
- explanation of title page
- explication
- explication of terms
- explicit
- exposition
- exposition of geometrical terms
- exposition of psalm 23
- exposition of psalm 62
- exposition of psalm 73
- exposition of psalm 77
- expostulation
- extenuation
- extract
- extract from article
- extract from Catholic Gentleman's Answer
- extract from register
- extract of a will
- extracts
- extraordinary exercise
Back to Top
- fable
- facts and figures
- faith
- falsehood
- falsification
- fealty
- February
- festival
- festival hymns
- fifteen degrees of charity
- fifth interrogation
- figure
- figure of speech
- figures
- first consideration
- first entry
- first interrogation
- first part of decade
- first question
- first show by land
- first show by water
- first table
- fish
- flower
- flute part
- foldout
- folio
- for
- force
- foreword
- form
- form of absolution
- form of oath
- form of service
- form of the subscription
- forms of spirits
- forthcoming books
- four cardinal virtues
- four core points
- fourth consideration
- fourth interrogation
- fourth question
- fourth show by land
- fowl
- french poem
- french tunes
- from author
- front matter
- frontispiece
- frontspiece
- fruits
- fuller guide to prayer
- funeral ode
- funeral speech
- further articles
- further information
- further summary of propositions
Back to Top
- Galatians
- gate
- Gemini
- genealogy
- general calendar
- general charge
- general conclusion
- general epistle to all the saints
- general index
- general introduction
- general overview
- general preface
- Genesis
- geographical glossary
- geological map
- georgic
- gimel
- gloss
- glossarial index
- glossary
- glossary of deities
- glossary of Greek words
- glossary of Hebrew words
- glossary of homophones
- gluttony
- god
- gospel
- gospels
- grace
- graces
- grammatical parts
- grant
- greeting
- grievances
- ground
- guide
- guide to contents
- guide to dedications
- guide to lotteries
- guide to musical notation
- guide to reader
Back to Top
- half title
- half-title
- handwriting exercise
- handwritten poem
- harvest
- he
- head
- heading
- heaven
- Hebrews
- hell
- help
- herb
- het
- hieroglyph
- High Germany
- hinderance
- Hippocratic Oath
- historie
- history
- history of Israel
- history of Judah
- history of Judah alone
- history of the captivity
- history of the return
- holy day
- homage
- homily
- honeycomb
- hope
- horological instrument
- horological table
- hour
- house
- House of Lords vote
- hymn
- hymns
Back to Top
- I.B.'s answer
- I.B.'s reply
- illlustration
- illustration
- illustrations
- ilustration
- images of the papacy
- impeachment
- impediment
- impossibility
- imprimatur
- imprint
- in the history
- in the vindication
- incident
- incipit
- indenture
- index
- index of 10th century councils
- index of 10th century writers
- index of 11th century councils
- index of 11th century writers
- index of 12th century councils
- index of 12th century writers
- index of 13th century councils
- index of 14th century councils
- index of 14th century writers
- index of 15th century councils
- index of 15th century writers
- index of 7th and 8th century councils
- index of 7th and 8th century writers
- index of 9th century councils
- index of 9th century writers
- index of acts
- index of chapters
- index of conditions
- index of councils
- index of counties
- index of diseases and cures
- index of foreign names
- index of medicines
- index of names
- index of place names
- index of places
- index of scriptural names
- index of subjects
- index of topics
- index of tracts
- index of weights of substances
- index of writers
- index of writers and councils
- index of writers from this volume
- index to appendix
- index to body of part
- index to book 2
- index to book 3
- index to Greek phrases
- index to Scotland
- index to tables
- indexes
- indictment
- indorsement
- indorsements
- inducement
- indulgence
- indulgences
- inference
- inferences
- injunctions
- innovations
- inquiry
- inscription
- insert
- insertion
- insignia
- insinuation
- instance
- instruction
- instructions
- instructions pertaining to psalms
- instructions pertaining to tunes
- interjection
- interlude
- interpreter to reader
- interregnum
- introduction
- introduction to the former prophets
- introduction to treatise of arithmetic
- introductory section
- invective
- inventory
- invocation to muses
- Irish dead
- Irish officers
- Irish wounded
- island
- Italy
Back to Top
- Jack Upland
- James
- January
- jest
- Jesuit epistle
- journal
- journal entry
- journey
- Jude
- judgement
- judgement of Bucer and Martir
- judgements at monthly meeting
- July
- June
- Jupiter
- justice
- justification
Back to Top
- kaf
- key
- key to books
- key to frontispiece
- key to map of England
- key to map of Ireland
- king
- King's declaration
- King's note to author
- King's paper
- King's prayers
- kingdom
- kings
- kings of Britain
- Knowles
Back to Top
- lamed
- lamentation
- language
- large octavo
- Latin
- Latin translation of verse treatise
- Latin version
- laudes
- law
- laws
- lechery
- lectionary
- lectionary reading
- lecture
- legal confirmation
- legal terms
- leisure time
- Leo
- lesson
- letter
- letter A
- letter B
- letter C
- letter D
- letter E
- letter extract
- letter extracts
- letter F
- letter from Florence
- letter from Milan
- letter from Nijmegen
- letter from Rome
- letter from Zurich
- letter G
- letter H
- letter I
- letter in Italian
- letter L
- letter M
- letter N
- letter O
- letter of commendation
- letter of recommendation
- letter of vindication
- letter P
- letter patent
- letter Q
- letter R
- letter S
- letter T
- letter to author
- letter to deputy governor
- letter to king
- letter U
- letter W
- letter's postscript
- letters
- letters missive
- letters patent
- Leviticus
- Libra
- library information
- library notice
- licence
- licences
- license
- license and approbation
- licenser's abuses
- lie
- life
- life of author
- life of Epictetus
- life of Lucan
- life of Richelieu
- life of the author
- ligatures
- line
- list
- list of abbreviations
- list of allegations
- list of articles
- list of author's works
- list of authorities consulted
- list of authors
- list of authors cited
- list of barbers' tools
- list of books
- list of books printed
- list of books summarized
- list of canonical epistles
- list of cases
- list of casualties
- list of characters
- list of clerks
- list of collective nouns
- list of commodities
- list of composers
- list of conspirators
- list of conspiritors
- list of contemporaries
- list of contents
- list of controversies
- list of desirable emigrants
- list of digressions
- list of emperors
- list of famous women
- list of figures
- list of geographical names
- list of heretics
- list of historians
- list of illustrations and patrons
- list of inducements to travel
- list of Irish places
- list of isles
- list of kings
- list of laws
- list of lies
- list of medicines
- list of meditations
- list of merchantable commodities
- list of mourners
- list of omitted acts
- list of peers present
- list of persecutors
- list of placenames
- list of popes
- list of preachers
- list of priests
- list of principal positions
- list of prisoners
- list of propositions
- list of published plays
- list of published works
- list of queen consorts
- list of Queen's attorneys
- list of questions
- list of references
- list of regiments
- list of rulers
- list of schools
- list of Scottish families
- list of scriptural passages
- list of scriptural texts
- list of scripture citations
- list of scripture passages
- list of sermons
- list of song
- list of sources
- list of speakers
- list of subjects
- list of surgeon's tools
- list of surgeons' tools
- list of surgical instruments
- list of symbols
- list of terms
- list of texts
- list of topics
- list of traitors
- list of types of knights
- list of universities
- list of Virginian commodities
- list of witches
- list of works
- list of writers
- lists
- litanies
- litany
- location
- lord's prayer
- lottery
- love
- Low Germany
- lustrum
- lute
Back to Top
- Madagascan dialogue
- madrgial
- madrigal
- madrigal for five voices
- madrigals and epigrams
- magnificat
- main performance
- Malayan dialogue
- manifest
- manner
- mantissa
- manual
- manuscripts
- map
- maps
- March
- marginal errata
- mark
- Mars
- masque
- matins
- matters arising
- maxim
- maxims
- May
- mean
- meane
- meaning
- measures
- medal
- medial acrostic
- mediation
- medicine
- meditation
- meditations
- meeting
- mem
- member
- memento
- memorandum
- memorial
- Mercury
- message
- message to pope
- messages
- metaphor
- meter
- method
- method of confession
- method of sale
- methods for converting protestants
- miliitary command
- military command
- miscellany
- misrepresentation
- mittimus
- model
- monarch
- monarchy
- month
- Moon
- moral
- moral observations
- moral virtue
- morals
- morning
- morning prayer
- morning prayers
- motive
- motto
- movable feasts
- movement
- music
- musical notation
- musical scale
- mystery
Back to Top
- name
- names of authors
- names of masquers
- names of women
- narration
- narrative
- nation
- negative aspect
- Nevelet's observations
- ninth interrogation
- None
- Norris
- northern tunes
- nota bene
- note
- note on author
- note on first edition
- note on origin of work
- note on second edition
- note on the text
- note to bookbinder
- note to reader
- notes
- notes on cantos
- notes to the ballad
- notes to the illustrations
- notice
- notice of proclamation
- notice of registration
- notice on translation
- notice regarding errata
- notice to binder
- notice to I.B.
- notice to reader
- notice to the reader
- novel
- November
- Numbers
- nun
- nunc dimittis
Back to Top
- oath
- oath of allegiance
- obituary
- objection
- objection answered
- objection`
- objections
- objections answered
- objections for traditions
- observation
- observations
- octavo
- October
- ode
- odes
- office
- offices
- old tenures
- Old Testament readings
- omissions and errata
- on Baruch
- on Daniel
- on Ecclesiasticus
- on Esther
- on Judith
- on Maccabees
- on the title
- on the Wisdom of Solomon
- on Tobit
- opener
- operation
- opinion
- opposition
- oracle
- oratio
- oration
- order
- order for suppression
- order of parliament
- order of psalm
- order of tracts
- order to preach
- order to print
- orders
- ordinance
- original
- other writers of 11th century
- outline
Back to Top
- page
- pageant
- pages out of sequence
- panegyric
- papal bull
- papal grant
- papal letter
- paper
- paper to privy council
- papers
- papist's speech
- parable
- paradox
- paradoxes
- paragraph
- parallel
- parallel histories
- paraphrase
- paraphrase of Luke 22
- paraphrase of Luke 23
- pardon
- parergon
- Parliament's response
- parody of Le Cid
- parody of ode
- part
- part 1
- part of book
- part of I.B.'s argument
- part of I.B.'s preface
- part of I.B.'s prostscript
- part of letter
- part of T.G.'s argument
- participles
- partition
- parts
- parts of psalm
- Parvus Cato
- passage
- passages
- pastoral
- patent
- pater noster
- paternoster
- peculiar calendar
- penitential psalms
- performance
- perioch
- period
- permission to settle
- peroration
- persecution
- person
- persuasion
- petition
- petition to Parliament
- petitions
- Philemon
- Philippians
- philippic
- physiognomy
- pictorial alphabet
- picture of Richard Baxter
- piece of music
- pillar
- Pisces
- place
- place names
- plan of temple
- plant
- plates
- play
- plea
- poem
- poem of book to reader
- poem on frontispiece
- poem to book
- poem to reader
- poem to the reader
- poems
- poems to reader
- point
- points
- policy
- popish error
- popish errors
- portrait
- portrait of Charles I
- portrait of William Sanderson
- portraits
- position
- positions
- positive aspect
- post script
- postcript
- posthumous publications
- postscript
- postscript contents
- postscript errata
- postscript poem
- postscript to reader
- postscript to the reader
- postulanda
- prayer
- prayer book
- prayer manual
- prayers
- prayers and meditations
- preamble
- precept
- prediction
- predictions
- preface
- preface to fourth treatise
- preface to highwaymen
- preface to king
- preface to part 1
- preface to part 2
- preface to prince
- preface to queen
- preface to reader
- prefatory address
- prefatory essay
- prefatory letter
- prefatory poem
- prefatory poems
- prefatory statement
- preliminary
- prelude
- premisses
- preparation of natural things for medicines
- prescription
- pride
- prime
- principle
- principles
- principles agreed
- print
- print information
- printer to author
- printer to reader
- printer to the reader
- printer's advertisement
- printer's apology
- printer's dedication
- printer's device
- printer's mark
- printer's note
- printer's notice
- printer's stamp
- printers to readers
- printing notice
- privilege
- problem
- problems
- proceedings
- proclamation
- proclamation of privy council
- proem
- proem on cosmography
- proeme
- professors
- prognostic
- prognostics
- prohibition
- projection
- prologue
- prologue for court
- prologue for stage
- prologue of the author
- prologue to allegory
- prologue to reader
- prologue to the king
- prologue to the stage
- promise
- pronouns
- prooemium
- proof
- proofs
- prooftext
- properties
- prophecy
- prophesies
- prophet
- prophets
- proportion
- proposal
- proposals
- proposals for printing
- proposition
- propositions
- propositions to English priests
- Protestant doctirne
- Protestant doctrine
- Protestant reasons
- protestant's speech
- protestation
- protestation of John Hus
- province
- provinces
- prt
- prudence
- psalm
- psalme
- psalms
- psalms and prayers
- psalter
- publications
- publisher to author
- publisher to reader
- publisher to the reader
- publisher's advertisement
- publisher's advertisment
- publisher's advertrsement
- publisher's catalogue
- publisher's notice
- publisher's postscript
- publishers' advertisement
- purchasers of lots
Back to Top
- qof
- qualification
- quarter
- quarto
- queen
- queen/king
- queries
- queries to be answered
- queries to friars
- query
- question
- question answered
- questions
- questions and answers
- questions proposed
- quintus
- quotation
- quotation of calumny
- quotation of preface
- quotations
- quoted passage
- quoted remarks on the author
Back to Top
- reading
- reason
- reason of order
- reasons
- recantation
- recapitulation
- recipe
- recitative
- recommendations
- reconciliation
- record
- record of resignation
- reflection
- reflections
- reformation of preface
- reformation of prologue
- refutation
- regency
- regent
- region
- register
- reign
- rejection
- rejoinder
- religious persuasion
- remark
- remarks
- remedy
- remembrance for confession
- reminder of crucifixion
- remonstrance
- remonstration
- reply
- reply to dedicatory letter
- reply to preface
- reply to the answer
- reponse
- report
- report on commodities
- report on flora and fauna
- reports of mineral desposits
- representation
- reprint of preface
- repulse
- request
- request for comments
- request for suppression
- resh
- resolution
- resolutions
- response
- response to postscript
- responsibility for printing
- return
- revelation
- revelations
- review
- revocation
- reward
- Rhemist annotations
- Rhemists annotations
- riddle
- riddles
- robber
- rock
- Romans
- roots
- roundelay
- royal assent
- royal blazon
- royal coat of arms
- royal consent
- royal letter
- royal proclomation
- royal thanks
- rubrick
- rule
- ruler
- rules
- rules of surgery
Back to Top
- sacrament
- Sagittarius
- saint
- saints' days
- salutation
- samekh
- satire
- satires
- saturn
- sayings
- scale
- scene
- scheme
- scholium
- school
- Scorpio
- scottish tunes
- scriptual passages
- scriptural errata
- scriptural passages
- scripture
- scripture index
- scripture references
- scriptures
- seal
- seasonal prayers
- second consideration
- second interrogation
- second part of decade
- second question
- second sermon
- second show by land
- second table
- second voice part
- second voice part continued
- sect
- sectiion
- section
- section3
- secton
- See
- sentence
- sentence against John Hus
- sentence of deposition
- September
- sequence
- sermon
- sermon on a day of thanksgiving
- sermon on Acts
- sermon on Corinthians
- sermon on Deuteronomy
- sermon on Ecclesiastes
- sermon on Galatians
- sermon on Genesis
- sermon on Hebrews
- sermon on Isaiah
- sermon on John
- sermon on Joshua
- sermon on Luke
- sermon on Malachi
- sermon on Mark
- sermon on Matthew
- sermon on Peter
- sermon on Philemon
- sermon on Philip
- sermon on Proverbs
- sermon on Psalms
- sermon on Romans
- sermon on Samuel
- sermon on Thessalonians
- sermon on Timothy
- sermon on Zechariah
- sermon preached in 1676
- sermons
- sermons on Corinthians
- sermons on Exodus
- sermons on Genesis
- sermons on Hebrews
- sermons on John
- sermons on Leviticus
- sermons on Luke
- sermons on Mark
- sermons on Revelations
- sermons on several occasions
- sermons on the creed
- sermons on the Lord's Prayer
- sermons on the ten commandments
- sermons on Titus
- session
- sessions
- set
- sets of precepts
- seven degrees of humility
- seven degrees of obedience
- seven degrees of patience
- seven gifts of the holy spirit
- seven physical deeds of mercy
- seven sacraments
- seven things to remember
- seventh interrogation
- Sext
- sextain
- shared history
- shin
- shopping list
- show
- sign
- signatories
- signification
- signs of salvation
- simile
- similitude
- sin
- singularity
- sins
- sins against the Gospel
- sixth interrogation
- size
- slander
- sloth
- small octavo and duodecimo
- Socinus
- soliloquies
- soliloquy
- solution
- solutions
- song
- song for four voices
- song for two voices
- songs
- sonnet
- sonnets
- sources
- Spanish Prohibition
- speech
- speeches
- sppech
- spring
- square poem
- stage of journey
- stamp
- stanza
- star
- statement
- statement of accuracy
- statement of authenticity
- statement of principles
- statements of agreement
- stationer to reader
- stationer to the reader
- stationers to readers
- stationers to the reader
- statute
- statutes
- statutes of physicians of the Hague
- story
- strain
- subpart
- subsection
- subject
- submission
- subpart
- subscription
- subsection
- subsubsection
- succession
- summary
- summary of argument
- summary of contents
- summary of contradictions
- summary of doctrine
- summary of epistle
- summary of fifth letter
- summary of first letter
- summary of fourth letter
- summary of lecture
- summary of letter
- summary of letters
- summary of part two
- summary of positions
- summary of propositions
- summary of reasons
- summary of second letter
- summary of third letter
- summary of treatise
- summer
- summing up
- summons
- Sun
- superscription
- supplement
- supplication
- supply
- supposition
- surgical aphorisms
- survey
- suvey
- symbol
- symptoms
- synod
- synopsis
Back to Top
- T.G.'s answer
- T.G.'s rejoinder
- T.G.'s reply
- table
- table of 5th century councils
- table of 6th century councils
- table of 6th century writers
- table of 7th and 8th century councils
- table of 7th and 8th century writers
- table of abbreviations
- table of acts, letter and canons of 11th century councils
- table of acts, letteres and canons
- table of acts, letters and canons
- table of acts, letters and canons of 10th century councils
- table of acts, letters and canons of 5th century councils
- table of acts, letters and canons of 7th and 8th century councils
- table of acts, letters and canons of 9th century councils
- table of acts, letters, and canons
- table of authors cited
- table of biblical passages
- table of books of the New Testament
- table of books of the Old Testament
- table of chapters
- table of characters
- table of citations
- table of commentaries and discourses
- table of content
- table of contents
- table of contents of first treatise
- table of contents of second treatise
- table of councils
- table of counties
- table of cures
- table of deaths
- table of doctrines
- table of edicts
- table of equations
- table of general headings
- table of gestures
- table of hymns
- table of hymns sung
- table of Ireland
- table of kings
- table of letters
- table of letters, acts and canons of 6th century councils
- table of longitude & latitude
- table of longitudes and latitudes
- table of measurements
- table of meditations
- table of military formations
- table of monarchs
- table of New Testament quotations
- table of observations
- table of places
- table of planets
- table of prayers
- table of propositions
- table of psalms and tunes
- table of qualitie
- table of questions
- table of relatiues
- table of Scottish kings
- table of Scottish people and places
- table of scriptural citations
- table of scriptural passages
- table of scripture
- table of scripture citations
- table of scripture passages
- table of scripture texts
- table of scriptures
- table of shadows
- table of sripture citations
- table of stones
- table of subjects
- table of symbols
- table of texts
- table of the days of Lent
- table of the height of the sun
- table of topics
- table of types of Christ
- table of works of 10th century writers
- table of works of 11th century writers
- table of works of 12th century writers
- table of works of 5th century writers
- table of works of 6th century writers
- table of works of 7th and 8th century writers
- table of works of 9th century writers
- table of works of writers
- table of works of writers from this volume
- table of works of writers in this volume
- table of writers
- table of writers from this volume
- tables
- tables of days
- tables of fairs
- tables of mortality figures
- tale
- tales
- Taurus
- tav
- te deum
- temperance
- ten commandments
- tenor
- tenor part
- tenor part continued
- tenure
- terce
- term
- term dates
- terminology
- terms
- testament
- testimonial
- testimonies
- testimony
- tet
- text
- text#
- texts
- textual errata
- thanksgiving
- the conclusion
- the Duke of Albany
- the introduction
- The Ploughman's Complaint
- the preface
- the seven virtues and vices
- the soul rejoices
- the soul triumphs
- theorem
- theories
- theorum
- thesis
- third consideration
- third interrogation
- third question
- third show by land
- thought
- thought for the day
- thoughts
- threnody
- tide table
- time alone
- time in company
- Timothy
- titla page
- title
- title page
- title pages
- titlepage
- titles
- Titus
- to reader
- to adversaries
- to author
- to book
- to bookbinder
- to bookseller
- to catholic reader
- to Catholic readers
- to clergy
- to dissenters
- to English reader
- to God
- to impecunious
- to King
- to landowners
- to loyal citizens
- to muse
- to papists
- to printer
- to protestant reader
- to Protestant readers
- to quakers
- to reader
- to readers
- to scholars
- to teachers
- to tenants
- to the authors
- to the citizens of London
- to the female reader
- to the fun-loving reader
- to the godly reader
- to the male reader
- to the nobility
- to the reader
- to the serious reader
- to the translator
- to the translators
- to translator
- to traveller
- to women
- to world
- toc
- topic
- Torah
- town
- towns
- tract
- tracts
- trade
- tragedy
- transactions
- transition
- translation
- translation of censure
- translation of citations
- translation of document
- translation of French account
- translation of letter
- translation of quotation
- translations
- translations of Geek passages
- translator to author
- translator to book
- translator to bookseller
- translator to king
- translator to reader
- translator to the reader
- translator's dedication
- translator's letter
- translator's note
- translator's preface
- translator's prologue
- treatise
- treatises
- treatment
- treble
- trial
- triumph
- trope
- tropes
- true relation of encounter
- trumpet
- tsadi
- tune
- type
- type of argument
Back to Top
- units of measurement
- universities of Bohemia and Moravia
- universities of Denmark
- universities of Germany
- universities of Polonia, Prussia and Lithuania
- universities of Scotland
- university
- university of Ireland
- university of Sweden
- use
- use of table
- user guide to tools
- uses
Back to Top
- variant readings
- various readings
- vav
- veni creator
- Venus
- verbs
- verdict
- verse
- verse epistle
- verses
- versicle
- versicles
- version
- vespers
- vice
- villages
- vindication
- Virgo
- virtue
- virtues
- vision
- visions
- voice aprt continued
- voice part
- voice part continued
- volume
- vote
- votes of parliament
- vow
- voyage
Back to Top
- ward
- warning
- warning to English army
- warning to reader
- warrant
- way
- weapon
- welsh tunes
- wheel of fortune
- will
- winter
- witness
- witness of patent
- witnesses
- word
- words
- work
- works
- works of Callimachus
- works of mercy
- works of Paulus Fagius
- Wotton
- wrath
- writ
- writers
- writers of 5th century
- writers of 6th century
- writers of 7th century
- writers of 8th century
- year
- yod
- zayin
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