This is a list of all the DIV types used in ECCO by the Oxford team to June 2007.
N.B. It contains types used before pfs checked them.
- Back to Wisdom
- DIV types main discussion page
- EEBO DIV types
- abstract
- account
- account of discovery of Madeira
- account of earthquake
- accusation
- act
- actor
- addenda
- addendum
- addition
- additional list of subscribers
- additions
- address
- adenda
- advert
- advertisement
- advertisements
- affidavit
- anecdote
- anecdotes
- annex
- annotations
- answer
- antistrophe
- apology
- appendix
- argument
- arms
- article
- articles
- attestation
- Attorney General's opinion
- author to self
- author's advertisement
- author's declaration
- author's note
- author's notice
- author's preface
- authors' note
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- ballad
- ballade
- biographical preface
- biography
- body
- body of canto
- body of elegy
- body of letter
- body of masque
- body of ode
- body of poem
- body of text
- book
- by the same author
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- cantata
- canto
- catalogue
- catalogue of ships
- catechism
- certificate
- chapter
- character
- chorus
- choruses
- city
- class
- classification
- coat of arms
- coats of arms
- codicil
- collection
- colophon
- commentary
- comments
- commission
- comparative statement
- conclusion
- conclusion to chapter
- conclusion to digression
- conlusion
- contents
- contents of the fifth volume
- contents of the first volume
- contents of the fourth volume
- contents of the second volume
- contents of the sixth volume
- contents of the third volume
- copyright
- copyright notice
- corollaries
- corollary
- coroner's statement
- creed
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- David's lament
- debate
- declaration
- declaration of war
- decree
- dedication
- dedicatory poem
- definition
- definitions
- demonstration
- diagram and explanation of solar eclipse
- diagrams
- dialogue
- dialogues
- digression
- diploma
- directions to binder
- directions to the binder
- dirge
- discourse
- discourses
- dissertation
- division
- document
- dramatis personae
- dramatis personae.
- duet
- dynasties
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- eclogue
- eclogues
- editor to reader
- editor's note
- editor's note
- editor's postscript
- editor's preface
- editorial comment
- editorial note
- elegies
- elegy
- enclosed ballad
- enclosure
- encomia
- encomium
- endnote
- endnotes
- epigram
- epigrams
- epigraph
- epilogue
- epistle
- epitaph
- epitaphs and epigrams
- epoch
- epode
- errata
- essay
- eulogy
- example of language
- examples of handwriting
- excerpt
- experiment
- experiments
- explanation
- explanation of chemical terms
- explanation of illustration
- extract
- extracts
- extracts from school work
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- fable
- fables
- fact
- finale
- financial account
- foreword
- fragment
- front matter
- frontispeice
- frontispiece
- frontspiece
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- gazetteer
- general corollaries
- general scholium
- genus
- glee
- glossary
- golden verses of Pythagoras
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- half title
- half-title
- Hanover papers
- history of poetry
- hymn
- hymn of Moses
- hymns
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- illustration
- illustrations
- illustrations of coats of arms
- imitation
- imitations
- indenture
- index
- index of authors
- index of persons
- index of plants
- index to dissertations
- index to gesta romanorum
- index to the notes
- index to volume 1
- index to volume 3
- inscription
- inscriptions
- instructions
- interlude
- introduction
- introductory material
- introductory note
- item
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- Johnson's imitators
- journal extract
- judgement
- key
- key to characters
- key to first volume
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- lament
- lemma
- letter
- letter extract
- letter extracts
- letter to publisher
- letters
- license
- life of Sir Walter Raleigh
- list of authors
- list of characters
- list of decisions
- list of ministers
- list of poetic references
- list of poets
- list of principles
- list of subscribers
- lists
- lyric
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- map
- maps
- masque
- maxims
- medical corollaries
- meditation
- melody
- memoir
- memoire
- memoirs
- memorial
- memorial ode
- minutes of congress
- miscellanies
- monody
- monument
- moral
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- narrative
- nations
- note
- note on meter
- notes
- notes omitted
- notice
- notice to booksellers
- notice to reader
- notices
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- oath of abjuration
- oath of allegiance
- objection
- objections
- observation
- observations
- observations on dirge and ode
- observations on eclogues
- observations on epistle
- observations on odes
- observations on the catalogue
- occasional
- ode
- odes
- omission
- opinion
- order
- order to print
- orders and genera
- original
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- paean
- panegyric
- papers
- paragraph
- parody
- part
- part1
- pastoral
- pastorals
- peerage
- period
- petition
- play
- playbill
- poem
- poems
- portrait
- postcript
- poster
- postscript
- postulatum
- prayer
- preface
- preface to reader
- preface to the reader
- prefatory letter
- prelude
- print
- printer
- printer's note
- printers
- pro forma
- problem
- problems
- prognostic
- project
- prolegomena of Scriblerus
- prologue
- prophecy
- proposal
- proposal to print
- proposition
- propositions
- publisher's advertisement
- publisher's advertisements
- publisher's conclusion
- publisher's letter
- publisher's note
- publisher's notice
- publisher's preface
- publishers
- publishers' advertisement
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- queries and answers
- quintet
- quotation
- quotations
- quotations in the fifth volume
- quotations in the first volume
- quotations in the fourth volume
- quotations in the second volume
- quotations in the sixth volume
- quotations in the third volume
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- readings
- recapitulation
- receipt
- references
- reflections
- remarks
- remarks on the preface
- reply
- reponse
- report
- resolution
- resolutions
- response
- round robin
- royal privilege and license
- rules
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- satire
- scene
- scheme
- scholium
- seat
- seats
- section
- series
- series frontispiece
- series title page
- sermon
- soliloquy
- song
- songs
- sonnet
- sort
- species
- speciment
- speech
- story
- strophe
- Stuart papers
- sub-part
- sub-section
- subpart
- subscription advertisement
- subsection
- subsubsection
- summary
- supplement
- systematic index
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- table
- table of contents
- table of contents of footnotes
- table of contents of notes
- table of place-names
- table of quotations
- table of songs
- tables
- tale
- testimonies
- testimony
- text
- theatre
- title
- title page
- title page to index
- to reader
- to the publisher
- to the reader
- to the subscribers
- transcript
- translation
- translations
- translator's notes
- translator's preface
- treatise
- trial of Sir Walter Raleigh
- tunes of the songs
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- valedictory speech
- variation
- variations
- verse
- verse omitted
- verses
- version
- volume
- warrant
- will
- will and testament
- year
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