EEBO tagging cheat sheet (1)

Alphabetical list of tags with brief descriptions

Note: grayed-out elements should be used cautiously, rarely, or not at all.

ElementFound in (SGML/XML)SourceUsed to tag a...Brief description (see keying guidelines and TEI P3 and TEI P5 guidelines for fuller descriptions)
<ab>SGML/XMLTEI-P5span("amorphous blob" or "anonymous block") Used rarely. Used for a paragraph-like block that is not a paragraph or stanza and does not qualify as a div.
<above>SGMLTCPletter or wordShortcut for SEG REND="above". Marks letter or word physically above the preceding word in the text stream, as an interlinear gloss. Converted to simple superscript in XML version.
<abbr>SGML/XMLTEI-P3wordContains a word that uses a diacritic or an abbreviation mark (e.g. overlining, etc.) for which no character-level provision has been made.
<add>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanUse rarely. No instructions provided for keyer/vendor use. Used internally to tag manuscript additions to the print source.
<altbibno>SGML/XMLTCPID numberUsed only in ID Group to contain alternative ID number for bibliographic citation (e.g. OCLC number). Type of TEI IDNO.
<argument>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footContains a summary (in prose or verse) found at the head or foot of a division. Often labeled "Argument".
<back>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of textContains the "back" matter belonging to a given <TEXT>. Compare <BODY>, <FRONT>.
<below>SGMLTCPletter or wordShortcut for SEG REND="below". Marks letter or word physically below the preceding word in the text stream, as an interlinear gloss. Converted to simple subscript in XML version.
<bibl>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanMostly optional. Contains a bibliographic citation. Instructions specify its use only within <EPIGRAPH>.
<bibno>SGML/XMLTCPID numberUsed only in ID Group to contain ID number for bibliographic citation (e.g. OCLC number). Type of TEI IDNO.
<body>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of textContains the main body of a given <TEXT>. Compare <FRONT>, <BACK>.
<byline>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footContains an attribution authorship of a given text division (or figure).
<cell>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of tableTable cell. Use like HTML <TD>. "ROWS" attribute = HTML "ROWSPAN"; "COLS" attribute=HTML "COLSPAN". Cells containing headings or labels (=HTML <TH>) should add attribute ROLE="label".
<choice>SGML/XMLTEI-P5spanNOT YET USED. (wrapper for two or more alternative captures of same passage, e.g. its original and corrected forms)
<closer>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footAppears at foot of text division; corresponds to <OPENER> at head of division. Used especially when there is internal structure, e.g. <SIGNED>, <SALUTE>. Compare <TRAILER>
<date>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of datelineUse to contain date within <DATELINE>, rarely elsewhere in OPENER or CLOSER tags
<dateline>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footUse within OPENER or CLOSER. Contains span of text at head or foot of text division indicating the circumstances of writing (especially the place and/or date).
<del>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanNOT YET USED. marks text deliberately deleted, crossed out, etc. in the source
<div1>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of front,back,bodyA subdivision of <FRONT> <BACK> or <BODY>.
<div2>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of div1A subdivision of <DIV1>
<div3>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of div2A subdivision of <DIV2>
<div4>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of div3A subdivision of <DIV3>
<div5>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of div4A subdivision of <DIV4>
<div6>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of div5A subdivision of <DIV5>
<div7>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of div6A subdivision of <DIV6>
<eebo>SGML/XMLTEI-P3entire itemToplevel container for entire item, sans header
<epigraph>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footContains quotation (whether or not accompanied by <BIBL>) at head or foot of text division. Use also for scriptural quotations at head of sermons or commentary chapters.
<ets>SGML/XMLTCPentire itemToplevel container for entire item, including header
<expan>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanNOT YET USED. Coordinate tag with ABBR within CHOICE: marks expansion of abbreviation.
<figDesc>SGML/XMLTEI-P3description of figureContains description of a figure supplied by the editor, especially when other means of identification is lacking, e.g. "map of Africa," "portrait of Elizabeth I," "printer's device of William Caxton."
<figure>SGML/XMLTEI-P3illustration 'event'Used mostly as empty tag marking location of illustrations within text. Captions (or similar text) attached to an illustration are captured within <HEAD> tags within the <FIGURE> tag.
<floatext>SGMLTCPfloating divisionMarks a division with internal structure that does not tesselate with its context but rather 'floats'. Converted in XML to Q-TEXT-BODY-DIV1. TEI P5 equivalent is FloatingText. Special forms of floatext are LETTER and LICENSE.
<front>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of textContains the "front" matter of a given <TEXT>. Compare <BODY>, <BACK>.
<fw>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanUsed rarely to capture 'forme werke' (quire signatures, running heads, etc.) that we usually omit. Should immediately follow the pb tag.
<gap>SGML/XMLTEI-P3gap 'event'="Empty tag used to mark the location and nature of material present but not captured (DESC="music" DESC="math", DESC="foreign" DESC="intruder" DESC="duplicate" etc.); material that is missing, unintelligible, illegible, or unrecognized (DESC="missing" DESC="illegible" DESC="symbol"); or material that is itself a kind of absence (DESC="blank").
<group>SGML/XMLTEI-P3group of textsUsed to group <TEXT>s if item consists of more than one separate <TEXT> (usu. signalled by separate title page)
<head>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footContains heading for a text division (<DIV>), a stanza (<LG>), and argument (<ARGUMENT>), or a list or table (<LIST>, <TABLE>). Appears at the top (head) of the structural division. Compare <TRAILER>. Also used to capture the caption of an illustration.
<header>XMLTCPmetadataContains TEI header based usually on underlying MARC record.
<headnote>SGML/XMLTCPhead/footContains an editor's or narrator's comment at the head of a division or floating text.
<hi>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanContains text that is designed to be set apart for some reason from the surrounding text, unless the reason is specified by use of a structural tag (e.g. <HEAD>).
<idg>SGML/XMLTCPmetadataContains ID numbers STC, VID, BIBNO ALTBIBNO used to identify item; required attribute ID contains DLPS tracking number
<item>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of listContains an item in an ordered or unordered list. May be paired with a LABEL to form a 'list of pairs' (glossary-type list).
<l>SGML/XMLTEI-P3verse structureContains a line of verse. Often part of <LG>. Rarely extended to verse-like material (litanies, eg.)
<label>SGML/XMLTEI-P3span; or part of listUsed EITHER as part of the label-item pair in a glossary-type list; OR as a kind of floating heading that serves to label its context, usually the element (P, ITEM, L, etc.) in which it appears. Often used for floating headings that mark the beginning of a given topic but not a clearly defined div. May be used to tag some marginalia that serves to label portions of the text.
<lb>SGML/XMLTEI-P3line-break 'event'Use rarely if at all. Empty tag used to indicate a line break. *Use only if there is no other way to indicate the relationship between the material before and after the break*.
<letter>SGMLTCPfloating divisionShortcut for FLOATEXT TYPE="letter". Converted in XML to Q TEXT BODY DIV1 TYPE="letter"
<lg>SGML/XMLTEI-P3verse structureContains a group of verse lines that form a structural unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, or verse paragraph.
<license>SGMLTCPfloating divisionShortcut for FLOATEXT TYPE="license". Subtype may be used to indicate what kind of license it is, e.g. imprimatur, privilege. Used only when internal structure demands DIV status and environment requires that it float.
<list>SGML/XMLTEI-P3special formatContains an ordered or unordered list of short items (long items can usually be treated as paragraphs); or, in a glossary list, a set of LABEL-ITEM pairs..
<milestone>SGML/XMLTEI-P3milestone 'event'Empty tag used to indicate an enumerated or similarly demarcated stage in a (generally non-structural) series (e.g. page number in a different edition; line number in prose; verse number in the original of a metrical Psalter. Used sometimes for markers of rhetorical structure ("Use 1, Reason 2. Doctrine 4").
<note>SGML/XMLTEI-P3noteContains most material that appears with but stands outside the main text flow, whether or not anchored by footnote numbers, etc. Use attrib "N" to record marker; attrib "PLACE" to record location of note relative to text block.
<opener>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footAppears at head of text division; corresponds to <CLOSER> at foot of division. Used especially when there is internal structure, e.g. <SIGNED>, <SALUTE>. Compare <HEAD>
<p>SGML/XMLTEI-P3prose structureParagraph. Basic unit of prose structure. Use "N" attrib. if numbered.
<pb>SGML/XMLTEI-P3page-break 'event'Placed at beginning of each page to mark page-break "event". "N" attribute used to capture printed page numbers; "REF" attrib. contains number of image on which page appears.
<postscript>SGML/XMLTCPpostscript (material appended to DIV)Used to capture self-standing block of text (perhaps with heading and its own signature) that is added to the end of a division after the usual closing elements (e.g. the signature or dateline), especially postscripts to letters. Contained within CLOSER and defined otherwise the same as a DIV7. Sometimes used for attachments to letters, notarial statements, endorsements, etc. Can contain more structure than TEI P5 postscript tag, but is more constrained in location (in CLOSER).
<ptr>SGML/XMLTEI-P3Empty pointer.Used to create a link to another element in the same document via the ID attribute of the target element. Equivalent to an empty REF tag.
<q>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanContains "block" quotations of all kinds (even if set off by typographic cues other than indentation). Use also to embed quoted documents within prose, using <Q><TEXT><BODY>... etc.
<ref>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanMarks text that serves as a cross-reference to another locus in the same document; targets the ID attribute of the linked-to element. Cp. PTR.
<row>SGML/XMLTEI-P3part of tableTable row = HTML <TR>.
<salute>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footGreeting attached to letter or letter-like text division. Usu. placed within <OPENER> or <CLOSER> but can stand alone
<seg>SGML/XMLTEI-P5spanUsed rarely to mark a span of text, usually for special rendering. Equivalent of HTML SPAN element.
<signed>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footSignature statement attached to letter or letter-like text division, or to other 'verbal actions' (e.g. a praise poem, will, or proclamation). Usu. placed within <OPENER> or <CLOSER> but can stand alone if not attached to letter.
<sp>SGML/XMLTEI-P3drama structure"Speech"--the basic unit of drama or drama-like texts; normally headed by <SPEAKER> element.
<speaker>SGML/XMLTEI-P3drama structureWhen found at the head of a speech, contains the name or designation of the speaker (or speakers)
<stage>SGML/XMLTEI-P3drama structureContains stage directions of all kinds, whether within the text or in the margin.
<stc>SGML/XMLTCPID numberUsed only in ID Group to contain ID number derived from a short-title catalogue, e.g. Pollard & Redgrave, Wing, Evans, Thomason, or ESTC. Type of TEI IDNO.
<sub>XMLTCPspanContains superscripted text. Marked in SGML with character based kludge "^". Equivalent to SEG REND="superscript"
<subst>SGML/XMLTEI-P5tagsgroups an ADD and a DEL when one replaces the other.
<sup>XMLTCPspanContains subscripted text. Marked in SGML with character based kludge "^^". Equivalent to SEG REND="subscript"
<table>SGML/XMLTEI-P3special formatContains tabular material that cannot easily be made intelligible without retaining the two-dimensional layout of the original page. Tables containing nothing searchable (e.g. all symbols or numbers) may be omitted and captured as <FIGURE>.
<tailnote>SGML/XMLTCPhead/footContains an editor's or narrator's comment at the end of a division or floating text.
<temphead>SGMLTCPmetadataContains extremely abbreviated TEI header used only to record processing information.. Should be replaced with HEADER in final document.
<text>SGML/XMLTEI-P3self-standing itemUsually=the whole book. May also be used to tag embedded documents that are substantially complete. (cp. <LETTER> <Q> and <GROUP>).
<trailer>SGML/XMLTEI-P3head/footContains heading for a text division (<DIV>) or a table (<TABLE>). Appears at the bottome (foot) of the structural division. Compare <HEAD>.
<unclear>SGML/XMLTEI-P3spanUsed rarely to contain text that is difficult to read but has nevertheless been partly or completely captured, albeit with some degree of doubt.
<vid>SGML/XMLTCPID numberUsed only in ID Group to contain ID number assigned by its publisher to an image set (called "VID" by ProQuest). Type of TEI IDNO.

The following TEI tags are found exlusively within the HEADER or TEMPHEAD. They are used as prescribed in the TEI guidelines. Our current headers follow P4 standards, but P5-conformant headers will eventually appear..


EEBO tagging cheat sheet (2)

Common tags arranged in groups

LARGE STRUCTURES (generic divisions)

 (header or temphead)

                    div3 ...
          body (or group)
                    div3 ...
                    div3 ...



  head / trailer
  opener / closer
        head / trailer, opener /closer
        p / l / lg / list / table etc.








    (label-item...) or


q (used also to indicate 'floating' quality)


above / sup
below / sub

FLOATING STRUCTURES (raisins in oatmeal, with full text structure within them possible)



stage (a kind of "note")


  pb (rarely with fw attached)