EEBO coding query #P13

Lyrics interspersed with musical notation

Re: STC no.: STC 18118
Title: Di Tomasso Morlei (images 3 to 5)

Q. We have encountered musical notation. For confirmation:

1. Each line of musical notation will be replaced by GAP tag with attribute desc="music".

A. Yes.

2. Lyrics (each stanza) will be captured within <L> tag within <LG> tag.

A. Since there is no visible verse structure (it's impossible to tell where the individual LINES of the verse begin and end)--that is, since the lyrics are printed as prose--I suggest that you simply record them as prose, using <P> tags and embedded <GAP> tags, as indicated above. The stanzas that are actually printed as verse (at the foot of the page, after the music) should be recorded with the poetry tags (<LG> and <L>).

(For another example, see the query-response numbered "A3" on the web at The index to all posted queries is at under "Coding and capture queries.")


3. Capital letter appeared on the first musical notation at every start of the page will be ignored.


A. Why? It appears to be the first letter of the lyrics. E.g. on your sample image numbered 3, the page begins with a large "V". This appears to be the beginning of the first word of the lyrics:


<P><GAP DESC="music">VEzzosette Ninfe ... </P>


Image 4 also begins with a large "V", which is also the beginning of the first word of the lyrics:


<P><GAP DESC="music">VIuer lieto voglio Senza ... </P>


Image 5 has two large initials: the left-hand page begins with "S"," the beginning of the first word of the lyrics:


<P><GAP DESC="music">So ben mi c'ha bon tempo ... </P>

The right-hand page begins with "A", which seems to be a word in its own right--again the first word of the lyrics:

<P><GAP DESC="music">A Lieta via Amor ... </P>

I don't read Italian myself, but the same words recur further on at the beginnings of other lines in the same verse. In any case, the general rule about large decorative initial capital letters ("capture them as ordinary capital letters") should surely apply here.


4. Word "TENORE" appeared on the top right corner of the page that seems to be a running head should be ignored.

A. Well, like most running heads, "Tenore" seems to be used here FIRST at the head of a piece or part (where it part of the <HEAD> or perhaps an <OPENER>) and then sometimes (e.g. on the right hand page of image 2) repeated afterwards as a running head. The repeated examples as running heads can be ignored, but the *initial use at the head should not be ignored.* Most of the examples fall into the latter category:

On image 1: <HEAD>I. TENORE.</HEAD>
On image 2 (left-hand page): <HEAD>II. TENORE.</HEAD>
On image 3: <HEAD>III. TENORE.</HEAD>
