EEBO coding query #P12

Damaged and out of order text

Re: Title: The works ...
STC#: Wing H2631

Q. Have noticed on image 24 that the end text on the left page is left hang which the continuation is appeared on image 28 (actual page 33). Do we need to arrange these pages on the right sequence? If so, where do we place the text (from image 24, left page up to image 28, left page) that seems to be "to the reader" information which interrupted the sequence of the pages?

A. I think that we need to rearrange the text in order to make sense. But we should not change the image numbers, since the defect is in the original book, as indicated by this note
in the bibliographic record:

"Imperfect: between p. 32 and 33 of the first group of pagings are 8 pages which belong in the 34 unnumbered pages introductory to the main work."

I suggest that the text for the displaced portion (images 24-28, as you indicate) should be inserted as a <DIV> after the letter to the king and before the address to the readers, that is between the left page and the right page on image number 6: between "IOH. EXON." (concluding the left page) and "TO THE READER" (beginning the right page). The "REF" attributes of the <PB> tags should, however, continue to point to the images in their current (wrong) sequence.



Re: STC no.: STC 1538
Title: Batman vppon Bartholome

Q. On this book, images 424 up to 426 have so much damaged text that we cannot totally read the paragraphs. Would be fine to capture each paragraph as GAP tag with attribute desc="damage"?

A. In conversation with one of the other participating companies, we've arrived at a simplified form of recording damaged, illegible, or unrecognizable text. Would the following suggestion serve you? This would mean getting rid of "#" and "@" and <UNCLEAR>; getting rid of most examples of <GAP> (except those specified), and using variants of "$" for most problems.


Reserve <GAP> for two things:

(a) things present in the original that are deliberately left uncaptured, per instructions, that is,

1.text in non-Latin alphabets <GAP DESC="foreign">
2.musical notation <GAP DESC="music">
3.*duplicate page, if you catch it. <GAP DESC="duplicate page">

(b) things completely gone in the original that apparently should have been there. At the moment reserve this for:

1.*missing page image or portion thereof
<GAP DESC="missing page">

(2) Use variations on "$" to flag spots that need attention
from us: that is, illegible text, damaged text,
or clear but unrecognized symbols.

$ = individual character or characters,
less than a word.
$word$ = a whole word
$span$ = one or more words, less than a page.
$page$ = a whole page.

Additional variants are possible, e.g.:

$para$ = illegible paragraph
$line$ = illegible line of verse