EEBO coding queries #P11

In-line figures; overlining (of roman numerals)


RE: STC #: STC 17376.5
Title: Markhams master-peece

Q. We have encountered marks that are not ordinary symbols in this book which could be considered as <figure>s. Would it be acceptable to capture as in line figure within the paragraph and tag as empty <figure></figure> for each symbol?


image 140 (example)

A. Yes, these look like drawings of shapes, not symbols. <FIGURE> is the right tag to use.

Q. If so, do we place the tag <figure> in the nearest end sentence?

A. I think the ones that are truly *in-line* images should be tagged exactly where they appear. E.g., on p. 323 (image 164):

"then ouerthwart like this figure; <FIGURE></FIGURE> ..."

Likewise on p. 240 (image 123):

"butten end of your drawing Iron in this sort. <FIGURE></FIGURE>"

Those that are inset in the margin (or inset in the body of the text) and cover more that one line, should follow the same rule as is used for <note>s that are not clearly linked to a particular spot: that is, they should be placed at the spot where they belong (if that can be ascertained); otherwise, at the nearest sentence-ending punctuation (e.g. a period or colon). Some examples of the ideal placement follow below; less ideal but still acceptable placement can be achieved by using the end-of-sentence rule. (Sometimes they end up producing identical results in any case.)

p.374: "through the midst thereof in this sort: <FIGURE></FIGURE>"
p.370: "in strait lines ... down ... in this maner <FIGURE></FIGURE>"
p.356: "draw the wind-gall in this sort <FIGURE></FIGURE>"
p.342: "draw ... with an hot Iron in this sort, <FIGURE></FIGURE>"
p.274: "make diuers holes ... as this figure doth plainely
shewe you. <FIGURE></FIGURE>
p.260: "broad & thin, and turned vp according to this figure,



RE: STC #: STC 7226
Title: Poly-Olbion (image 6)

Q. Found letters with a line above it (see encircled text on the attached image). There were no available entities for these characters. Do we just capture it as "#" for all occurrences?



A. Though I failed to anticipate this exact situation (overlining marking roman numeral dates), I think the general rule that applies is this: recognizable characters accompanied by unrecognized diacritics (in this case, the overlining) should be recorded as simple characters--AND THE WHOLE WORD PLACED IN <ABBR> TAGS. like this: <ABBR>M.DCCCC.</ABBR>. The rule can be found in the instructions under "recognizable letters with diacritics," paragraph 4: "other diacritics." Alternatively, consider the overlining to constitute a "line over two or more characters"; this too, according to the instructions, should be treated by recording the characters themselves and placing the entire word in <ABBR> tags.