EEBO coding query #P10

Text in figures

STC no. : Wing W1476
Title: Otia sacra

Q. Image 55
Please confirm if the tagging given below is correct for the illustration and text under the figure on attached image.

<p><pb n="105" rf="55">
In Stead of <hi>Jacobs</hi> . . .</l>
<l>To teach thee . . .</l>
His in a Dream did . . .</l>

A. Yes, I think this is the best way to tag this very odd material (other options: omit the <P> tags and insert the figure at the beginning of the first <L>; or treat the <LG> as part of the
heading of the <FIGURE>, which would require wrapping the <LG> within a <Q> in order to make it appear within a <HEAD>; the way that you've done it is the simplest). The only thing that I would add is that this picture does not appear to belong either to the <DIV> that precedes (headed <HEAD>Armamenta ad oppugnandos ... necessaria</HEAD>) or to the <DIV> that follows (headed <HEAD>Amasse licuit ...</HEAD>). So I'd probably stick the figure and its attached verse into a <DIV> of its own, though it certainly does no harm attached to the end of the preceding <DIV>.


Q. Image 62
Is it acceptable to treat the encircled text on the attached image as illustration <fig>?

A. This book has some difficult things in it.

In order to preserve the acrostic feature of these things, I think that I would treat them as if they were verse, and capture them in the order in which they were intended to be read (which means from left to right, even when that means moving up the page), like this:

(p. 114):



If in a glass one would descry</L>
Perfect and true Humility;</L>