[We have come across some documents with extensive musical scores. Book S_18116
is entirely made up of music .... ]
Q: How should we treat this type of material? The tag <GAP DESC="music"> is an element I assume is used for smaller instances of music within a text, but my questions are:
- At what point does a <GAP DESC="music"> become <FIGURE>?
- Since S_18116 is entirely made up of music, what are we capturing within this text?
- Is there some treatment we should follow for capturing the lyrics?
A: I can think of several treatments of varying complexity. The easiest to apply, I think, would be to record the lyrics as if they were ordinary text, and stick to <GAP> (never <FIGURE>) for any uninterrupted stretch of musical notation that appears between the bits of lyrics. The lyrics are of course really verse (poetry), but since they are not arranged as verse when they're attached to music, I think we'll have to treat them as prose.
By this system your example would look like this (for convenience, I've abbreviated <GAP DESC="music">
as simply <G>):
<DIV1 TYPE="song">
<OPENER>For two Voyces, Treble and Basse. CANTVS.
<BYLINE><HI>Mr.</HI> Henry Lawer.</BYLINE></OPENER>
<G>MAN's life is but vain; for 'tis subject to pain, and sorrow,
<G>$word$ as a buble; 'tis a hodge podge of business, and wory, and
<G>care, and care, and ... </P></DIV1>
Sometimes second and following stanzas (verses) are printed after the music,
arranged as verse. These should simply
be recorded in the ordinary way, as verse (i.e., with <LG> and <L>
Here's an example from img 34 in S_18116:
<DIV1 TYPE="song">
<P><G>DAinty fine sweet Nimph delightfull, While the Sunne a-loft
is<G> mounting, Sit we heere our loues recounting. Fa la la la, Fa
la la la la la la la la. Dainty<G> fine sweet Nimph delightfull,
while the Sun aloft is mounting, Sit we heere our loues re|counting.
<G> Fa la la la. Fa la la la la la la la la. With sugred gloses,
Among these<G> Roses. Fa la la la. Fa la la la la la. Fa la la la.
Fa la la la la. Fa la la la la. Fa la<G> la la la. With sugred
gloses, Among these Roses. Fa la la la. Fa la la la la la. Fa la
<G> la la. Fa la la la la. Fa la la la la. Fa la la la la.</P>
<L>Why alas are you so spightfull,</L>
<L>Dainty Nimph but O too cruell,</L>
<L>Wilt thou kill thy deerest Iewell. Fa la la la.</L>
<L>Kill then and blisse mee,</L>
<L>But first come kisse mee. Fa la la la,</L>
<PB REF="35">