Both of the examples below show a vendor (inconsistently) supplying letters that, while perhaps correct, are not present in the image because the edge of the page was "cropped" either in binding or in microfilming.
These two notes were captured like this: <NOTE PLACE="marg" N="*">In English I haue put placed) <HI>G$$ my helpe</HI></NOTE> <NOTE PLACE="marg" N="*">Annagram of the <unclear>$$$$</unclear> Motto of <HI>Posui</HI> place into English words, <HI>Wis|dom admit me Power</HI></NOTE> Note that the underlined letters above are not present in the image. | |
They should more exactly have been captured as follows (some or all of the <GAP>s could also have been captured as "$span$ or $word$):
<NOTE PLACE="marg" N="*">In Engli<GAP DESC="missing"> I haue put<GAP DESC="missing"> placed) <HI>G<GAP DESC="missing"> my helpe<GAP DESC="missing"></HI></NOTE> <NOTE PLACE="marg" N="*">Annagra<GAP DESC="missing"> of the $$$<GAP DESC="missing"> Motto of <GAP DESC="missing"> <HI>Posui,</HI> p$a<GAP DESC="missing"> into Engl$s<GAP DESC="missing"> words, <HI>W<GAP DESC="missing">dom $d$<GAP DESC="missing"> me Pow<GAP DESC="missing"></HI></NOTE> |
Captured like this:
<NOTE PLACE="MARG"><HI>Shooma vs Prison.</HI></NOTE> Interpretation seems to have led you astray here: since you didn't know how to complete the word Shoo-[make]rs, you made "Shoo" and "vs" two separate words and ignored the clear hyphen after "Shoo". |
Could more aptly have been captured like this:
<NOTE PLACE="marg">Shooma|<GAP DESC="missing">rs Prison.</NOTE> or, if you didn't recognize that there was text missing, like this: <NOTE PLACE="marg">Shooma|rs Prison.</NOTE> or <NOTE PLACE="marg">$word$ Prison.</NOTE> |
Captured as:
<NOTE PLACE="MARG"><HI>Truth and Honesty pri|soners.</HI></NOTE> Underlined letters do not appear in the image. |
Could more aptly have been captured like this:
<NOTE PLACE="marg"><GAP DESC="missing">$uth and <GAP DESC="missing">nesty pri|<GAP DESC="missing">$ers.</NOTE> or even like this: <NOTE PLACE="marg">$word$ and $span$</NOTE> |
Captured like this: <NOTE PLACE="MARG"><HI><UNCLEAR>@@$hard</UNCLEAR> case.</HI></NOTE> No attempt to expand this note beyond what's in the image. |
Could also have been captured like this:
<NOTE PLACE="marg"><GAP DESC="missing">hard case.</NOTE> or even: <NOTE PLACE="marg">$word$ case.</NOTE> |