Noting subtle font changes
Though we are used to noting shifts into and out of italics
(and marking them with <HI> or some appropriate structural tag),
shifts between different styles of blackletter are sometimes harder
to spot, especially if there is no change in font size--but such
shifts should be treated the same as shifts between roman
and italic.
In the following two samples (from S18078), the text shifts repeatedly
from a rigid "textura" type into a variety of more flowing "bastarda"
type, sometimes of a similar size, sometimes much smaller. In most
cases, the "bastarda" type seems to be used to mark block quotations.
If you observe this fact, you mark the highlighted text as <Q>;
otherwise, marking it as <HI> will suffice.
delyuered me (whyche copy I
reserue and kepe for my decla+racyo~)
therin be these wordes that here after folow.</P>
<Q><P>Now yt foloweth in the epystle, Volu~+tarie
enim genuit nos verbo veritatis.
This text may be expowned after thys
maner, He made vs by the trouth of hys
worde / he made vs ... </P></Q>
delyuered me (whyche copy I
reserue and kepe for my decla+racyo~)
therin be these wordes that here after folow.</P>
<P><HI>Now yt foloweth in the epystle, Volu~+tarie
enim genuit nos verbo veritatis.
This text may be expowned after thys
maner, He made vs by the trouth of hys
worde / he made vs ...</HI></P>
<P>This translacion therfore
beynge by the clergy co~demp+ned,
I at Poules crosse open|ly
burned, and by the kynges
graciouse proclamacyo~ ope~ly
forbode~: I wrote in a place of
my dyaloge in y^e .C. lefe amo~g
other thynges these wordes.</P>
<Q><P>The fautes be so many
in Tyndales translacyon of the
new testament / and so spred
thorough the hole boke / that
... </P></Q>
<P>This translacion therfore
beynge by the clergy co~demp+ned,
I at Poules crosse open|ly
burned, and by the kynges
graciouse proclamacyo~ ope~ly
forbode~: I wrote in a place of
my dyaloge in y^e .C. lefe amo~g
other thynges these wordes.</P>
<P><HI>The fautes be so many
in Tyndales translacyon of the
new testament / and so spred
thorough the hole boke / that
... </HI></P>
An example in which both the larger and the smaller sizes of bastarda type
alternate with the textura type: