Select list of DIV types
This is a representative sample of common (and a few less common) types of text division found among the EEBO items. This is only a sample: EEBO texts include works of many kinds, many of which have their own specialized parts and features. No attempt is made here to represent all of these.
DIVx TYPE=" ... "
- "UF" = "Use for" (i.e. use this instead of that)
- "SEE" = "Don't use this; instead use that"
- "SEE ALSO" = "Consider using that instead of this"
- account
- act (i.e., of a play or masque)
- addendum/-a
- advertisement
- afterword
- anthem (prefer: HYMN)
- appendix
- [argument : SEE TEI TAGS]
- article
- bibliography
- biography
- back matter
- body (e.g. of letter, etc.)
- book (UF: bk., lib., liber, etc.)
- canto
- [capitulum : SEE CHAPTER]
- catalogue
- chapter (UF: chap., cap., chapitre, etc.)
- chorus
- coda
- collection
- colophon (i.e., imprint info at end of book; usu. prefer to "imprint")
- commentary
- [compilation: SEE COLLECTION]
- conclusion
- [contents : SEE TABLE OF CONTENTS]
- day (e.g. in a calendar, book of daily readings, or journal)
- dedication (UF: dedicatory poem, dedicatory epistle, etc.)
- [dedicatory poem, epistle, etc.: SEE DEDICATION]
- dialogue
- discourse
- document, or more specifically, as feasible:
- will
- proclamation
- bill of fare
- letter patent
- deposition
- report
- [etc.]
- doctrine
- dramatis personae
- encomium, pl. encomia (i.e., formal expressions of praise, esp. poetic accolades of one poet by another)
- entry (e.g. in a journal or dictionary)
- [epigraph : SEE TEI TAGS]
- epilogue
- [epistle: SEE LETTER]
- errata
- essay
- explication (prefer: COMMENTARY)
- [frontispiece: SEE ILLUSTRATION]
- front matter
- glossary
- half title
- illustration(s) (UF: picture, figure, etc.); or, more specifically:
- frontispiece
- diagram
- chart
- map
- [illustrations : SEE LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS]
- imprimatur : UF: permission; SEE ALSO LICENSE
- [imprint : SEE COLOPHON]
- index/indexes (UF: index nominum, index operum, index locorum, etc.)
- introduction
- invocation
- item
- lecture
- lesson
- letter(s) (UF: epistle)
- [liber: SEE BOOK]
- list, or more specifically as feasible:
- list of illustrations (UF:illustrations)
- list of authors
- [list of contents: SEE TABLE OF CONTENTS]
- [etc.]
- [litany: SEE PRAYER]
- map
- masque
- month (e.g. in a calendar or journal)
- note(s), or more specifically as feasible:
- author's note
- printer's note
- translator's note
- editor's note
- publisher's note
- [etc.]
- [oraison : SEE PRAYER]
- oration
- [outline: SEE SUMMARY]
- [pars: SEE PART]
- part / subpart
- play (SEE ALSO: dialogue, masque)
- poem(s), or more specifically if feasible:
- ode
- sonnet
- ballad
- elegy
- distich
- epithalamium
- [etc.]
- postscript (e.g. to a letter)
- prayer (UF: litany, oraison, supplication, etc.)
- preface
- translator's preface
- editor's preface, etc.
- [preface to reader : USE PREFACE]
- prologue
- proposition
- recipe
- response
- scene (i.e., of a play or masque)
- section / subsection
- sermon
- song(s)
- speech [see also: ORATION (for political speech, etc.) or TEI TAGS (for dramatic speech)]
- story
- summary
- table
- table of contents (UF: contents)
- [TEI tag names. When a DIV is required to tag something that might otherwise receive a TEI tag name, and other names don't suit, use the tag name as the value of the attribute, e.g.:]
- argument
- byline
- opener (e.g. for books having only an opening phrase in place of a title page)
- text (as opposed to commentary)
- text of ... part, sermon, etc. (as opposed to front and back matter)
- title page [UF titlepage]
- to reader, or more specifically as feasible:
- printer to reader
- author to reader
- translator to reader
- [etc.]
- [tome: SEE VOLUME]
- translation
- treatise
- [tribute(s) SEE : encomium]
- version
- vision
- volume (UF: tome, vol., etc.)
- year (e.g. in a calendar or journal)