Title Pages

1. Proofing the title page

Question: Should we be bolder in guessing than usual when proofing (and capturing) the title page?

Yes. Try to be as complete as possible, even at the risk of introducing error. Make use of the bib record (citation) if necessary to help.

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2. Handling epigraphs on title pages

Question: since <EPIGRAPH> can only be used at the beginning or end of a DIV, how do we handle epigraphs that occur in the middle of title pages,
with more material coming after?

Obvious quotations on the title page can still be recorded with <Q>, even if we cannot use <EPIGRAPH>.

<Q><P>Let us either deserve to have a good Prince, or patiently suffer and obey such as we deserve.</P><BIBL>1 Hom. against Wilfull Reb.</BIBL></Q>

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3. Imprimaturs on title pages

(a) Question: How do we tag imprimaturs on title pages? Especially if they appear in the
middle of the title page (not at the end, where they
can simply be a subordinate DIV)?

<P><TEXT><BODY><DIV1 TYPE="imprimatur">
          <DATELINE>In Aed. Lambeth.
          <DATE>14 April 1611</DATE></DATELINE>
          <SIGNED>J. J. Smith Episc. Cant.</SIGNED>

(b) TYPE="imprimatur" vs. TYPE="license" vs. TYPE="approbation"

TYPE="imprimatur" is for ecclesiastical permission to publish, whether or not it contains the actual word "imprimatur." TYPE="license" is for secular permissions, licenses, instructions to publish, etc., including ambiguous cases. I.e., if you're not sure that it is an imprimatur call it a license.

TYPE="approbation"  (whether or not headed by a term like "Approbationes") is used for formal statements of approval of the content of a book that do not fall easily under imprimatur or license, e.g., "we the undersigned have examined this book on the duty of fishmongers and it appears to us that there is nothing in it
contrary to sacred doctrine or honest living."

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