How to end the review of an EEBO book

1. NOTES FILE. Complete the notes file.

  1. Make sure the appropriate numbers have been entered for the various kinds of errors.
  2. If you have pardoned the book, and the number of errors does not obviously justify acceptance, supply a justification.
  3. If you have rejected the book, say something about the character of the errors you found, but do not list them or indicate what page they were found on -- instead provide a detailed listing of inexcusable errors (and perhaps some excusable errors as well) in a separate file ("S12345.ERRORS.txt"), saved in the \rejected\ folder along with the rejected file itself. This file serves as a check on improvements done to the file when and if it is resubmitted.
  4. ENTER COMMMENTS. If there things you were uncertain about, or things that indicate a misunderstanding on the part of the vendor, note them here. This is the chief means to provide feedback to the keyers. Make use of it, and make it intelligible and usable, with examples to make the point clear. Better to make one point clearly than several obscurely.

2. SPREADSHEET. Working from the completed notes file, fill in the spreadsheet that corresponds to the month's folder from which you took the file to begin with. Fill in the columns for verdict (ACCEPT, PARDON, or REJECT), reviewer (using your uniqname), date, sample size (the 'stripped' sample) in bytes, number of inexcusable mistranscriptions, excusable mistranscriptions, unwarranted uses of "$", and total number of "$-groups".

3. PRINT NOTES. If you haven't already printed out the notes file, do so, attach it to the sample, and place both on one of the sample heaps.

4. BACK UP. Save a backup copy of your completed work (both SGM file and NOTES file).

5. MOVE NOTES Move the notes file to WORK/NOTES.


  1. If the file was accepted or pardoned and therefore reviewed, validate it one more time (!), then move the corrected SGM file to WORK/DONE.
  2. If the file was rejected, move the rejected SGM file to WORK/REJECTED, along with a separate listing of the inexcusable errors found (as above).

7. CLEAN OUT THE WORKING DIRECTORY AND START AGAIN. Delete all other related files from the working directory (samples, .pdf, interim copies, etc.), and start the process all over again.