Some samples of early printing in Greek.
English printers were less enthusiastic about ligatures than Continental ones, fortunately.
A. Bibliography
- Vernon Eugen Kooy, "The three-dimensional character of early printed Greek."
An enlightening discussion of how to view the brevigraphs of early printed Greek, accompanying a custom font designed to allow you to print (many of) them.
- Dr. Kooy's font: "Greek with ligatures, version 2." See the code charts in the pdf, or download the font itself:
- van Groningen, B. A. Short Manual of Greek Paleography (Leiden, 1963), pp. 43-7.
- Ingram, William H. "The Ligatures of Early Printed Greek." Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 7:4 (Winter 1966), pp. 371ff. (That's Bill Ingram, University of Michigan).
His list of ligatures is collated from:
- De literis Graecis. Venice: Aldus, 1501 (B.M. G.7581)
- Alphabetum Hebraicum et Graecum. Paris: Gourmont, 1508? (B.M. 621.g.40(1))
- De literis Graecis. Tübingen: Thomas Anshelmus, 1512 (B.M. 12923.b.2)
- Alphabetum Hebraicum et Graecum. Paris: Gourmont, 1516? (B.M. 624.c.7(1))
- Ex Aldo Manutio de literis Graecis. Cologne: Eucharius Cervicornus, 1517. (B.M. T.2236(2))
- Theodori Gazae de linguae Graecae. Louvain: Theodoricus Martinus, 1518. (B.M. 624.c.7(5))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Christian Wechel, 1530. (B.M. 1476.a.32(2))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Robertus Stephanus, 1539. (B.M. 58.a.12)
- Alphabetum Graecum. Lyon: Mathias Bonhomme, 1542. (B.M. 12923.bbb.39(1))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Robertus Stephanus, 1548. (B.M. 236.g.38(1))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Robert Stephanus, 1550. (B.M. 617.c.29)
- Alphabetum Graecum. Cologne: haeredes Arnoldi Birckmanni, 1553. (B.M.843.c.21(1))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Robertus Stephanus, 1554. (B.M. 622.c.38) available in Google Books
- Elementa Graecae Linguae in usum puerorum collecta. Nuremberg: Gabriel Hayn, 1556. (B.M.
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Guillaume Morel, 1560. (B.M. 236.g.38(3))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Thomas Richardus, 1560. (B.M. 624.c.21(1))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Antwerp: Christopher Plantin, 1566. (B.M. 12923.aa.4(1))
available in Google Books
- Alphabetum Graecum. Antwerp: Johannes Loeus, 1567. (B.M. 4516.a.32(3))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Joannes Benenatus, 1569. (B.M. 236.g.38(2))
- Alphabetum Graecum. Paris: Robertus Stephanus, 1580. (B.M. 622.d.35)
- Alphabetum Graecum & Hebraicum. Paris: Paulus Stephanus, 1600. (B.M. 12904.b.11)
Other Alphabeti Graeci, e.g.
Proctor, Robert. The Printing of Greek in the Fifteenth Century (Oxford, 1900). Available through HathiTrust
Scholderer, Victor. Greek Printing Types, 1465-1927 (London, 1927).
William Wallace, "An Index of Greek Ligatures and Contractions." Journal of Hellenic Studies 43 (1923): 183-193. Available via JSTOR.
Collated from many unnamed sources, including Procter, above; but citing three earlier lists:
- Aldus Manutius, 1494-95.
- The Greek grammar of Ramus, appendix, 1605. [i.e., Petri Rami professoris regii Grammatica Graeca:
praecipué quatenus á Latina differt, in libros quatuor digesta]
- The Grand Police of Fournier le Jeune, Paris, 1764.
NOTE: This site seems no longer to be available:
B. [A few instances collected by pfs from EEBO books. Diacritics often ignored.]
BASIC CHARACTERS (lower case). |
Ligatures |
Standard | As printed |
α |  |
β |  |
γ |  |
δ |  |
ε |  |
ζ |  |
η |  |
θ |  |
ι |  |
κ |  |
λ |  |
μ |  |
ν |  |
ξ |  |
ο |  |
π |  |
ρ |  |
σ |  |
ς |  |
ϲ |  |
τ |  |
υ |  |
φ, ϕ |  |
ψ |  |
χ |  |
ω |  |
Standard | As printed |
αλ |  |
αρ |  |
δὲ |  |
ἐν |  |
ἐστίν |  |
ευ |  |
γάρ |  |
ὑπ |  |
ὑπερ |  |
καὶ |  |
μη |  |
μεν |  |
ος |  |
ου |  |
ρι |  |
ται |  |
την |  |
του |  |
τον |  |
τρ |  |
ὑμῶν |  |
εξ |  |
γεν |  |
γω |  |
μαρ |  |
μεθ |  |
πρ |  |
πτ |  |
ρο |  |
ρω |  |
σω |  |
σθ |  |
στο |  |
τρο |  |
C. Alphabet and ligature charts from elsewhere
C-1. Basic Greek alphabet

C-2. From C. Copley's edition of the Greek New Testament, ... Novum Testamentum ad exemplar Millianum cum emendationibus et lectionibus Griesbachi (Philadelphia: Bliss, [18-?]). Image taken from )

C-3. From Robert Estienne, Alphabetum graecum : Modus orandi, graece & latine, abbreviationes aliquot graecae ; Alphabetum hebraicum : Decalogus, hebraice & latine (Paris, 1528). Image taken from . Third and fifth unnumbered page.
2a. Alphabet

2b. Ligatures, etc.

or view PDF of the ligatures page.
C-4. From Elementa Graecae Linguae (Erfurt, 1745) [Google books]
C-5. From the appendix to Petrus Ramus' Greek Grammar (1605).
C-6. From Ingram and Wallace, opera cit.