Additional symbols

The following symbols will be added to the next revision of the keying instructions.

New Characters

&repeat; Musical 'repeat' sign repeat in context
yet am I not beloued, &repeat;
repeat in context
my sutes are all reiected, &repeat;
repeat in context
semicolon ; Ordinary semicolon left and right semicolons paired
Bvt &lsemicol;alas; like ... with her wy-
left semicolon &lsemicol; Left semicolon
punctus elevatus &punctel; 'Punctus elevatus' punctus elevatus and mirrored punctus paired
&lpunctel;the kinglie maiestie&punctel;
left punctus elevatus &lpunctel; Left 'punctus elevatus'
typical quam abbreviation typical quam abbreviation
standard form
&abquam; abbreviation sign for 'quam' typical quam abbreviation
typical quam abbreviation
atypical quam abbreviation
atypical form
atypical quam abbreviation
atypical quam abbreviation
abbreviation sign for -bus &abbus; abbreviation sign for '-bus' (not the same as '-us'). abbreviation sign for -bus
abbreviation sign for -bus
upper case quod abbreviation upper case quod abbreviation &abQUOD; upper-case version of abbreviation symbol for 'Quod'  
small q with horizontal stroke &qbar; small q with horizontal stroke through upright (ambiguous abbreviation symbol)  

Problems with question (query) marks

Most question marks are distinctive and unambiguous. We have met some, however, that are not. Some resemble the 'punctus elevatus' (&punctel;) character (though such question marks do not seem to appear in the same books that use a true punctus elevatus). And some resemble the 'left punctus elevatus' character, though again these do not seem to appear in the same books that use the &lpunctel;. Also, the &lpunctel; is an 'opening' punctuation mark--it appears at the beginning of a span of text, like opening quotation marks, but the question mark is definitely a piece of 'closing' punctuation. For the time being, we will treat these variant forms of question mark as 'alloglyphs' of "?" and capture them as "?".

true question mark [capture as ordinary ?] One form of true question mark, similar to &punctel;  
mirror-image question mark mirror-image question mark [capture as ordinary ?] An unusual form of question mark, similar to &lpunctel; context for mirror-image question mark
mirror-image question mark mirror-image question mark context for mirror-image question mark
mirror-image question mark mirror-image question mark context for mirror-image question mark
mirror-image question mark context for mirror-image question mark

More new characters

mid or raised point · raised or mid-height dot mid or raised point
Caxton's etc sign
Caxton's etc sign
&etc; Caxton's etc sign Caxton's etc sign
Caxton's etc sign
  + plus sign plus sign
  − minus sign minus sign


'equals' sign equality sign
  > greater than sign greater than sign
  < less than sign less than sign
  × 'times' or 'multiplied by' times or multiplied by
  √ square root or radical sign square root
less than symbol &lessthan; glossed as 'minus [quam]' = 'Less than'; may be peculiar to WW820. Used elsewhere with different meaning: see Reviewers' new-character table.  
more than symbol &morethan; glossed as 'majus [quam]' = 'More than'; may be peculiar to WW820. Used elsewhere with different meaning: see Reviewers' new-character table. morethan and angle symbols
brace used to mark angle &angulum; horizontal brace used over three points to indicate that they cmoprise an angle; may be peculiar to WW820.

Some symbols transferred from internal (reviewers') stock of symbols, 5/04

Symbol Meaning Entity Example(s)*
Conjunction = 0° (astrology/astron.) &conjunction;

Note: sometimes the symbol for Mars is used for "conjunction," presumably because the printer lacks the specific conjunction sign.
Opposition = 180° (astrology/astron.) &opposition;

Trine = 120° (astrology/astron. context only; cp. Greek delta, etc.) &trine;
This is an alternative version of trine that may be recorded as &trine2;
Quadrine = 90° (astrology/aston. context only; may by default be captured as it appears, as □) &quadrine
sextile symbol Sextile = 60° (astrology/astron. context only; cp. Greek asterisk (*), sal amoniac symbol, etc.) &sextile;
Moon, full, new, or quartered (calendrical context): filled-in circle usually new moon, open circle full moon but sometimes reversed. Left-half filled should be first quarter; right-half filled should be third quarter. &Moonround;
North (or ascending) node, in astrol. context. AKA "dragon's head." &northnode;
South (or descending) node, in astrol. context. AKA "dragon's tail." &southnode;  

Lacking a north/south node sign, printers will often substitute the sign fo Leo (upright or inverted as necessary).

As with other typographical errors, if the book uses the wrong symbol, capture the symbol that is actually there. In this book the north and south node symbols (here with Leo standing in) are reversed.

meaning: proportion, proportional to (other examples with different meanings should probably use simple double colon (::) or if necessary a different entity) &proportion; proportional to
proportional to
proportional to
meaning: 'difference' or '200' (entity is for for this shape of glyph, regardless of meaning) &lazyS; lazy-s
Musical sharp (modern form) ♯ (use this ISO sharp entity only for #-shaped sharp = U+266F)  
Modern musical natural sign (in our texts often a form of sharp applied to b; use for b/q-shaped sign regardless of whether it means sharp or natural; ISO entity; U+266E) ♮  
Musical sharp (specifically applied to b; a version of the natural sign; Use for p/d-shaped sign regardless of whether it equates to a sharp or a natural) &sharpb;  
        Musical sharp (x-shaped form); possibly ancestor of modern double sharp (U+1D12A); used for x- or crossed-x-shaped sign regardless of whether it has modern meaning (double sharp?) or older meaning (sharp); late forms may resemble modern sharp sign: if x form has horizontal strokes, use ISO entity ♯. If sign resembles a simple capital X, use X (may need to add &sharpx; entity). &sharp2;
     Musical flat (ISO entity; U+266D) ♭
  degrees-minutes-seconds (of arc) ° ′ ″
  hours-minutes-seconds (of to,e) ^h ′ ″
fleur-de-lys &fleudelys;
air (as one of the four elements) &air;  
section sign (U+00A7) §  
reversed section sign &rsect;
   Forms of the abbreviation sign for -is or -es. &abis;